Robert John Russell
Professor Robert J. Russell is the Founder and Director
of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS), and the Ian G.
Barbour Professor of Theology and Science at the Graduate Theological Union
(GTU), Berkeley.
Russell is the author of Time in Eternity:
Pannenberg, Physics, and Eschatology in Creative Mutual Interaction (University
of Notre Dame Press, 2012) and Cosmology from Alpha to Omega: Towards
the Mutual Creative Interaction of Theology and Science (Fortress
Press, 2008). He has co-edited a multi-volume series of books focused
on scientific perspectives on divine action through an international
research conference program co-sponsored by CTNS and the Vatican Observatory,
including such topics as quantum mechanics, chaos theory, evolutionary and
molecular biology, the neurosciences, and quantum cosmology. His current
research topics include: resurrection, eschatology and scientific cosmology;
quantum mechanics, biological evolution and divine action; evolution, theodicy
and Christology; philosophical assumptions in contemporary scientific cosmology
and their theological roots; and time and eternity from a Trinitarian
perspective in relation to time in physics.
Prof. Russell has been the P.I. of several CTNS international
programs, including "Science and the Spiritual Quest" (SSQ),
"Science and Religion Course Program," (SRCP), and "Science
and Transcendence: Advanced Research Series" (STARS). He has served
on the John Templeton Foundation Board of Advisors since its inception and is a
past judge for the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. Russell
serves as Co-editor of Theology and Science. Dr. Russell
co-edited Resurrection: Theological and Scientific
Assessments, (Eerdmans, 2002) and edited Fifty Years in Science and
Religion: Ian G. Barbour and His Legacy (Ashgate, 2004). He was the winner
of a PCRS/Templeton Grant for Research and Writing on the Constructive
Engagement of Religions and Science for Time in Eternity: Theology
and Science in Mutual Interaction.
Dr. Russell holds a Ph.D. in experimental physics from the
University of California, Santa Cruz, an M.Div. and an M. A. in theology and
science from the Pacific School of Religion, an M. S. in physics from the
University of California, Los Angeles, and he triple-majored in physics,
religion and music at Stanford University. He is ordained in the United Church
of Christ, and is. a member of the Society of Ordained Scientists. His wife,
Charlotte, is a UCC minister and they have two grown daughters, Christie Lavin
and Lisa Galicia.
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