Kenneth Miller
Kenneth R. Miller received his Ph. D. at the University of Colorado, 1974.
He is a Professor of Biology at Brown University, Department of Molecular
Biology, Cell Biology, & Biochemistry. He is interested in the detailed
relationships of structure and function in biological membranes. One of the
principal experimental systems which his lab has used is to photosynthetic
membrane. By using the freeze-etching technique, metal replicas can be prepared
for the electron microscope which capture the fine details of membrane
structure. These can be correlated with the polypeptide and lipid composition
of the membrane. His research has also begun to investigate structure-function
relationships in plasmodesmata, the junctions that link plant cells. Using the
freeze-etching technique they have prepared high-resolution images of these
junctions. In the next few months he expects to be able to follow the movement
of macromolecules from cell to cell through the junction at the resolution
level of the electron microscope. Dr. Miller has co-authored three textbooks on
biology with Joseph Levine. He has authored or co-authored several articles, as
well as an article entitled "Life's Grand Design" for Technology
Review in 1994, an additional article for Discover magazine, entitled "Whither
the Y" in 1995, and a review of Michael Behe's "The Black Box"
for Creation/Evolution in 1996.
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