Paul Ekman
Paul Ekman, Ph.D is Professor of
Psychology at the University of California
at San Francisco .
Ekman is a world-renowned expert in emotional research and nonverbal
communication, particularly for his studies on emotional expression and the
corresponding physiological activity of the face. His research has been
supported by the National Institute of Mental Health for 46 years. He has also
received support from the National Science Foundation, and he has organized an
NSF workshop, "Understanding the Face." Among his distinguished
lectures is a 1992 keynote address to the Japanese Congress of Psychology.
Ekman is responsible for editing the new edition of Charles Darwin's The
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals ( Oxford
1998), to which he also contributed an important introduction and
after word. The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions (with R. Davidson, Oxford
1994) and What the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of
Spontaneous Expression Using the Facial Action Coding System (with E. L.
Rosenberg, Oxford 1998). His latest
book is Emotions Revealed (Times Books, April, 2003).
Selected Bibliography
Davidson, Richard J. and Paul
Ekman. The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental Questions. Oxford
University Press 1994.
Ekman, Paul and Rosenberg, E. L. What
the Face Reveals: Basic and Applied Studies of Spontaneous Expression Using the
Facial Action Coding System. Oxford
University Press: 1998.
Ekman, Paul. Emotions Revealed.
Times Books: 2003.
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