Wesley Wildman
Wesley J. Wildman, Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics, is chair of
the Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics Department at Boston Universitys School
of Theology and Convenor of the Graduate Schools doctoral program in Science,
Philosophy, and Religion. He is the author of Fidelity with Plausibility:
Modest Christologies in the Twentieth Century (SUNY, 1997) and editor with W.
Mark Richardson of Religion and Science: History, Method, Dialogue (Routledge,
1996). He is a member of the Boston-based Cross-Cultural Comparative Religious
Ideas Research Project, a multi-year investigation of categories that
facilitate cross-cultural religious comparison (the three volumes of results
were published by SUNY in 2000). He is also involved in the Divine Action
Project jointly sponsored by the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
and the Vatican Observatory. His research interests range from comparative and
constructive theology to a variety of philosophical and ethical topics within
the domain of science and religion.
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