Laurie Zoloth
Laurie Zoloth is Professor of Ethics and Director of the Program in Jewish
Studies at San Francisco State University, and is the President of the American
Society for Bioethics and Humanities. She is also co-founder of The Ethics
Practice, a group that has provided bioethics consultation and education
services to health care providers and health care systems nationally. She
is a member of the Howard Hughes Medical Research Institute National Bioethics
Advisory Board. She also serves on the NASA National Advisory Board to IACUC,
NASAs Interagency National Animal Care and Use Committees and the national
advisory board of the American Association of the Advancement of Sciences
Dialogue on Science, Ethics and Religion.
Zoloths current research projects include work on the emerging issues in
medical and research genetics. In 2000 she was awarded a NIH ELSI (Ethical
Legal and Social Issues of the Human Genome) Grant to explore the ethical
issues after the mapping of the human genome.
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