Lawrence Sullivan
Lawrence E. Sullivan is Director of the Center for the Study of World
Religions at Harvard University. He carried out his Ph.D. studies in the
comparative history of religions at the University of Chicago under the
direction of Victor Turner, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Kitagawa, and later
taught on the faculty there. He specializes in the study of ritual and
ceremonial performance, with a special focus on Central Africa and South
America. He examines religious beliefs and practices centered on health and
healing. His book Icanchu's Drum received best book awards from the Association
of American Publishers and the American Council of Learned Societies. He is
associate editor of the 16-volume Encyclopedia of Religion published by
Macmillan which received the Hawkins Prize and the Dartmouth Medal from the
American Library Association for the best work in any category of publishing.
He is past President of the American Academy of Religions, whose eight thousand
members teach religions in North American colleges and universities. Recently
he developed the concepts and content for the Museum of World Religions in
Taipei, Taiwan. The Religions of Humanity book series, which Sullivan
wrote with Julien Ries and published with Jaca Book, received the 2000 Hans
Christian Andersen Prize for the Best Series in Childrens Literature.
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