
Questions That Shape Our Future (Zygon Center, Chicago 2003) |
Becoming Human: Brain, Mind and Emergence (Stanford University 2003) |
Science, Values, and the Limits of Knowledge (SSQ Tokyo 2002) |
Science and the Three Monotheisms in the 21st Century, A New Partnership? (SSQ Granada 2002) |
Life on a Threatened Planet - Genetic Controversy and Environmental Ethics (Berkeley 2002) |
Science, Technology and Values: Worldviews in Dialogue (India 2002) |
Stem-Cell Colloquy (Chicago 2001) |
African Culture, Modern Science, and Religious Thought (Nigeria 2001) |
Biology, Religion and Origins (Vancouver BC 2001) |
Interpreting Evolution: Scientific and Religious Perspectives (Haverford 2001) |
Eschatology, Immortality, and the Future of the Cosmos (Berkeley 2001) |
Neuroscience, Religious Experience and the Self (Montreal 2001) |
Cosmos and Creator (Seattle 2001) |
Jean Vanier of L'arche (Seattle 2001) |
Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging, and Healthcare in the 21st Century (Durham NC 2001) |
Zygon Center Albright Lecture (Chicago 2001) |
Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics (San Francisco 2001) |
Dreams and Dreaming, Neuroscientific and Religious Visions (Los Angeles 2001) |
Genetic Engineering and Food for the World (New York 2001) |
Biological and Cosmological Evolution (Adelaide 2001) |
Genes and Justice (Berkeley 2001) |
Creativity, Spirituality, and Computing Technologies (SSQ San Jose 2000) |
Evolution and Providence (Berkeley 2000) |
Ethics, Values and Personhood (Seattle 2000) |
Issues for the Millennium: Cloning and Genetic Technologies (Boston 1999) |
Cosmic Questions Interviews (Washington DC 1999) |
Science and Suffering (Seattle 1998) |
Faith and Reason |