The CTNS-Vatican Observatory book series is the fruit of a multi-year collaborative research project between the two institutions. The project and the accompanying book series focus on the theological concept of divine action in relation to contemporary scientific theories. Featuring an international team of scholars including physicists, biologists, neuroscientists, philosophers, and theologians, this series includes six co-published volumes: five on divine action and an inaugural volume, Physics, Philsophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding (1988).
As Robert John Russell, the General Editor of the Series, writes in his introduction to Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of
“The overarching goal of these conferences is twofold: to contribute to constructive theological research as it engages current research in the natural sciences and to investigate the philosophical and theological elements in ongoing theoretical research in the natural sciences...A major issue in the debate over theology and science regards the role science ought to play. Too often science tends to set the agenda for the theological discussion with little if any initiative taken by theology. From the beginning it was the clear intention of the steering committee that our research should expand beyond this format to insure a ‘two-way interaction’ between the scientific and theological research programs. To achieve this goal...we looked for an overarching theological topic to thematize all these conferences...The topic of God’s action in the world was quickly singled out as a promising candidate, since it seems to permeate the discussions of theology and science in both philosophical and systematic contexts and it allows for a variety of particular issues to be pursued.”
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