Bonnie Joy Sedlak
Bonnie Joy Sedlak, Ph.D. has studied biology for 40 years;
she was educated at Northwestern University (B.A., Ph.D.) and Case-Western
Reserve (M.A.). Dr. Sedlak initially spent her career as a scientist and
educator, publishing over two dozen peer reviewed manuscripts in cell and
developmental biology. She was a faculty member at Smith College and
S.U.N.Y. Purchase. In 1981 she was granted tenure and promoted to
Associate Professor at S.U.N.Y., then returned to research full time.
Since 1986 Dr. Sedlak has worked in the biotech industry specializing in
business development and technology transfer. In 1994, she began offering
her services as an independent consultant . Dr. Sedlak's client list
includes large and small healthcare companies as well as universities and
non-profit research organizations. She has published seventy articles
focused on the biotechnology industry for Genetic Engineering News.
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