Preston Williams
Preston Williams, Ph.D., has
been the Houghton Professor since 1971. He came to HDS after having been a
professor of social ethics at Boston University for five years. Before that, as
a Presbyterian minister, he was the Protestant chaplain at Brandeis University.
In his years at Harvard, he has served in various capacities beyond his
professorial role: He was Acting Dean of the Divinity School in 1974-75, and
acting director of Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute from 1975 to 1977. Since
1998 he has been director of the Summer Leadership Institute, a program of the
Center for the Study of Values in Public Life that brings religious leaders
from urban settings to Harvard for two weeks of intensive classes on
community development. His teaching has centered on Christian ethics and the
black American experience, especially as reflected in the life of Martin Luther
King, Jr. He is the author of many articles and books, and is an
editor-at-large for The Christian Century. He has been a guest professor
and speaker at institutions around the world, including Nagoya University in
Japan in 1996
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