George Annas
- Bioethicist and human rights advocate

Ayala - Biologist, past member of the U.S. President's Committee of
Advisors on Science and Technology

Anindita N.
Balslev - Philosopher, author of Cultural Otherness

Ian G Barbour
- Physicist, pioneer in the field of science and religion, and Templeton
prize winner.

John D Barrow
- Astrophysicist, author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle

Michael J. Behe
- Biologist, advocate of Intelligent Design Theory, author of Darwin's
Black Box

Charles Birch
- Ecologist and Templeton Prize winner.

John Hedley
Brooke - Historian, former Andreas Idreos Professor of Science &
Religion at Oxford University

Jocelyn Bell
Burnell - Astronomer involved in the discovery of Pulsars

David M. Byers
- Executive Director of the Bishops Committee on Science and Human Values

Philip Clayton
- Philosopher, author of God and Contemporary Physicst

Cole-Turner - Theologian and author of The End of Adam and Eve:
Theology and The Science of Human Origins

Francis Collins
- Physician-Geneticist, director of the National Institutes of Health

George V.
Coyne, S.J. - Astronomer, former director of the Vatican Observatory

Antonio R.
Damasio - Neuroscientist, author of Descartes' Error

Paul Davies
- Physicist, Templeton Prize winner, and author of The Mind of God

Richard Dawkins
- Zoologist, author of The Selfish Gene

William A.
Dembski - Philosopher, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, and
author of The Design Inference

Willem Drees
- Philosopher, author of Religion, Science, and Naturalism

Irven DeVore
- Pioneering primatologist

Eldredge - Evolutionary biologist, co-developer of 'punctuated
equilibrium' theory

George FR
Ellis - Mathematician-physicist, author of The Large Scale Structure
of Space-Time with Steven Hawking

Sandra Faber
- Astronomer, discoverer of the so-called "Faber-Jackson relation"

Owen Gingerich
- Astronomer, author of The Great Copernicus Chase

Duane Gish
- Biologist, Senior Vice President of the Institute for Creation Research,
and author of The Fossils Say No!

David Ray Griffin
- Philosophy of religion, co-director emeritus of the Center for Process

Guiderdoni - Astrophysicist and director of the Islamic Institute for
Advanced Studies

Alan Guth -
Astrophysicist, originator of the theory of cosmic inflation

Goodenough - Biologist, author of The Sacred Depths of Naure

John F. Haught
- Theologian, author of God After Darwin

Sandra Harding
- Sociologist, author of Whose Science? Whose Knowledge?

Philip Hefner
- Theologian, editor of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science

Marty Hewlett
- Biologist and author

William Hurlbut
- Physician, former member of the U.S. President's Council on Bioethics

Antje Jackelén
- Director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science

Bill Joy -
Chief Scientist and Corporate Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems

Donald Knuth
- Computer software pioneer

Lawrence Kushner
- Rabbi, author of Eyes Remade for Wonder

Karen Lebacqz
- Theologian, author of Justice in An Unjust World

John Leslie
- Philosopher, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Amory Lovins
- CEO and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute

Mitch Marcus
- computer scientist, fellow of the American Association for Artificial

Stephen C.
Meyer - Philosopher, senior research fellow at the Discovery Institute

Kenneth R.
Miller - Biologist, author of Finding Darwin's God

Nancey Murphy
- Philosopher, author of Whatever Happened to the Soul?

David G.
Myers - Social Psychologist, author of Intuition: Its Powers and
Perils, and the textbook Exploring Psychology

Andrew Newberg
- Brain researcher, author of Why God Wont Go Away

Newsome - Neurobiologist, member of the National Academy of Sciences

Ronald Numbers
- Historian, author of The Creationists, and co-editor of God and

Pannenberg - Theologian, student of Karl Barth

Peacocke - Biochemist, Templeton Prize winner, and author of Theology
for a Scientific Age

Jaroslav Pelikan
- Historian, author of The Christian Tradition: A History of the
Development of Doctrine

Ted Peters -
Theologian, author of Playing God? and GOD: The World's Future

Sir John
Polkinghorne - Physicists, Templeton Prize Winner, and founding president
of the International Society for Science and Religion

Joel Primack
- Physicist, co-developer of 'cold dark matter theory'

Ramachandran - Neuroscientist, author of Phantoms in the Brain:
Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind

Rolston III - Philosopher, Templeton Prize winner and author of Philosophy
Gone Wild

Steven P. Rose
- Neurobiologist, editor of From Brains to Consciousness? Essays on the
New Sciences of the Mind

Rustum Roy -
Solid-state Phsyicist, science policy commentator

Pauline Rudd
- Biologist and associate of the Community of St Mary the Virgin in Wantage,

Michael Ruse
- Philosopher, author of Can a Darwinian be a Christian?

Robert John
Russell - Physicist, Theologian, and founding director of The Center for
Theology and the Natural Sciences

Sapolsky - Biologist, author of Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: An
Updated Guide to Stress

Schloss - Ecologist, contributor to Altruistic Love: Scientific &
Theological Perspectives

Eugenie C.
Scott - Anthropologist and Executive Director of the National Center for
Science Education

Vandana Shiva
- Director of The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural
Resource Policy, and author of Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and

Lee Silver
- Molecular Biologist, author of Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a
Brave New World

Seth Shostak
- Astronomer, Public Programs Scientist at the SETI Institute

F. Russell
Stannard - Physicist, author, fellow of University College London

Sullivan - Historian, associate editor of the 16-volume Encyclopaedia
of Religion

Jill Tarter -
Astronomer, Director for Project Phoenix, the SETI Institute

Neil Turok -
Physicist, collaborator with Steven Hawking

Howard Van Till
- Physicist, founding member of the International Society for Science and

Steven Weinberg
- Nobel Prize Winning Physicist and author of The First Three Minutes

Wesley J.
Wildman - Theologian, co-editor of Religion and Science: History,
Method, Dialogue

Wertheim - Science writer, author of Pythagoras' Trousers: God,
Physics, and the Gender Wars