Arthur Peacocke
Dr. Arthur Peacock (1924-2006) was a biochemist and Dean of Clare College at
Cambridge University. In 1971, he was ordained as a priest in the Church of
England and in 1986 he founded the Society of Ordained Scientists (S.O.Sc.) to
further advance the development of the field of science and religion. Among his
major publications in this area are Creation and the World of Science (1979),
which established further his international reputation, Intimations of
Reality: Critical Realism in Science and Religion (1984), Theology for a
Scientific Age (1990, 2nd edition 1993, including his 1993 Gifford
Lectures), God and the New Biology (1994), From DNA to DEAN:
Reflections and Explorations of a Priest-Scientist (1996), God and
Science: A Quest for Christianity Credibility (1996), and Paths from
Science Towards God: The End of All Our Exploring (2001). He was awarded
the Templeton prize in 2001.
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