Paul McHugh
Paul McHugh, M.D.is Henry Phipps Professor
of Psychiatry and Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and
Psychiatrist-in-Chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. A member of the Institute
of Medicine of the National Academy
of Sciences, McHugh is currently co-chairman of the Ethics Committee at the American
College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
He also serves on the board of The American Scholar. His writings include Genes,
Brain, and Behavior (1991) and essays on assisted suicide and the misuse of
Selected Bibliography
McHugh, Paul and Victoria McKusick.
Genes, Brain and Behavior: Association for Research in Nervous and Mental
Disease. Raven Press: 1991.
McHugh, Paul and Phillip R. Slavney. The
Perspectives of Psychiatry. Johns
Hopkins University
Press: 1998.
MacE, Nancy, Paul McHugh, and Peter
Rabins. The 36 Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer
Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, and Memory Loss Later in Life. Johns
Hopkins University
Press: 1999.
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