1. Time and Eternity
Within the vast literature on the subject of time and
eternity, Ill touch on three schools of thought and their assumption of flowing
time. 1) In 20th century Trinitarian theology eternity is no longer limited to either of two traditional ideas: timelessness
(the opposite of temporality) or unending time (time without fulfillment).
Instead eternity is understood in a far richer, more complex way: God as
eternal is the supra-temporal source of the temporality of the world and its
eschatological future. According to Karl Barth, God is supremely temporal.
The divine eternity is authentic temporality, and therefore the source of all
time. Eternity is pre-, super-, and post-temporality. Wolfhart Pannenberg claims that the doctrine of the Trinity provides the needed
basis for the relation between God and creaturely temporality. Moreover, the
temporal events of Gods saving economy in the world are constitutive of the
imminent nature of God. Jenson has expressed similar views. 2) Process theologians interpret Gods consequent nature as the way God
experiences the temporal occasions of the world. Suchocki writes that The actualities
of the world shall be felt by God through the consequent nature, and integrated
into the harmony of God, the primordial nature...God, as well as finite
reality, is a unification, a becoming. Charles Hartshorne captures this through his concept of the divine relativity
and its dialectic relation to the absolute character of God as the
self-surpassing of all. 3) Scholars forging a revised natural theology argue that God is both eternally
transcendent to and temporally immanent within the world. As a dipolar theist,
Polkinghorne stresses that God experiences the world in the universal present
moment; the future is simply not there for us, or for God. As a panentheist, Peacocke takes a similar approach: the future does not yet
exist, leaving God to create each instant of physical time. Across deep theological and philosophical differences, then, these three
schools of thought represent what is generally true in theology, namely the
assumption of a unique, flowing, global present which divides the past shared
in common from a common future --- whether or not God is then thought of as
experiencing the world through that present moment.
This underlying view of time is based on both ordinary
experience and classical, Newtonian physics: namely linear, flowing time, with
a universal and uniformly moving present that separates the global past from
the global future. Special relativity (SR c. 1905) directly challenges this
view in two ways. It undercuts both the notion of a universal present and the
assumption of a uniform rate of times passage. Instead, according to SR,
observers in relative motion define their own present and its universal
past and future; moreover, observers in relative motion move into the
future at different rates. Because of this and other facts, SR can lead to a
block universe interpretation.
Science minisummary: Special relativity. There are
many ways to discuss special relativity (SR) ;
one is to start with empirical data
1.Time dilation and the downfall of the present Ideal clocks can be
imagined as a pack of firecrackers of identical size, composition, and fuse. If they are all lit at once, we would expect that the firecrackers would
explode at the same time, lets say, one second later. Well, they do, when they
are at rest with respect to each other. But what if we throw them to the left
and right so theyre moving at different velocities v with respect to each
other, and keep one at rest at the origin? Stunningly, the actual result is
that they do not explode simultaneously! Instead, identical clocks (i.e.,
firecrackers) in relative motion run at different rates than identical clocks
at rest, a fact called time dilation, and thoroughly verified throughout the
twentieth century. So the ordinary idea of a present moment that moves
equally into the future for everyone just doesnt hold! But theres more: the
faster they move away from us, say along the x axis, the more time t passes
before they explode. In fact the events in space x and time t where they explode
are all related to each other and to the time (here one second) when the
firecracker we kept at rest exploded. Lets call this time proper time τ.
Then τ2 = t2 - x2/c2, where c is the speed of light. Still these are identical clocks, so whats happening? Perhaps we should
say that they each tick at the same rate in their own reference
system, but the way we measure time and space itself must be reconsidered.
Physicists refer to the proper time as an invariant spacetime interval since
it represents an identical distance or interval between the origin of the
experiment and the events in space and time where the one-second proper time
ticks occurred (i.e., the firecrackers exploded).
2. Synchronization and the downfall of the present. Time dilation
leads inexorably to the downfall of the present. Suppose, instead, that there
were a physically significant global present, a universal now as classical
physics and common sense hold. How would we specify it, i.e., how would we
synchronize clocks A and C in relative motion to tell what event along the
worldline of clock C corresponds to the now along the worldline of clock A?
An obvious answer would be synchronize a third clock at rest with respect to A,
then move it from A to C, set Cs time to match it, and thus to match A. The
problem is time dilation: if we move identical and synchronized clocks around
to different positions as just described, they will no longer be synchronized! In fact, there is no physically significant way of determining a global present
according to SR. Instead of a universal, unique present, there is only a
present defined by each moving observer in an equivalent way.
3. Implications: The immediate implications are a variety of
paradoxes, most of which represent variations on the themes of time dilation
and what is its converse, length contraction. In effect, all such paradoxes arise because we so naturally look at the world
as 3+1", i.e., as a 3-dimensional spatial universe changing in time, a
perspective lodged in both ordinary human experience and the classical physics
of Newton and Galileo. Instead, SR invites us to look at the union of space and
time in spacetime, often referred to as 3+1 --> 4". Here, though
time and space measurements vary between moving observers, the measure of the
spacetime interval between events is invariant.
4. The invariance of causality: The speed of light is not only a
constant in SR; it functions as a limitation on which events in my future I can
effect, namely those which I can reach with light signals or slower-moving
phenomena. This means
that the order of events along any worldline moving past me is invariant: all
observers in relative motion will agree with this order. (For General Relativity see below.)
Given the seriousness of the challenge of SR to our
classical view of a universal, flowing present and its routine incorporation
into theology, it is surprising how little attention SR has received. One
notable exception is Hartshorne, who was willing to acknowledge that, to
neo-classical theism, special relativity posed the most puzzling (challenge)
of all.
Some scholars in theology and science, though, have
addressed the challenge in detail. The crucial step, as Polkinghorne points out, is to recognize that the
theological implications of relativity depend critically on its
philosophical interpretation, and this in turn can take at least two forms.
In a recent debate, Polkinghorne defended a flowing time interpretation that
accords with our everyday experience of temporality and Chris Isham supported
the block universe view which claims to undercut it.
A) Polkinghorne argues for a flowing time interpretation
in which the problem of the downfall of the universal present is epistemic, not
ontological. Here God truly experiences the world in its open and flowing
temporality. Indeed God cannot know the future since there is no future to be
known. Defending flowing time, Polkinghorne stressed the independence of
kinematics, the abstract rules for coordinating measurements between observers
in relative motion such as classical physics and SR offers, and dynamics, the
concrete theories about how natural processes and forces work. For example, we
can use classical kinematics in both deterministic dynamics (classical
mechanics) and indeterministic dynamics (non-relativistic quantum mechanics
interpreted indeterministically). Similarly we can use relativistic kinematics
in both deterministic dynamics (classical electromagnetism) and indeterministic
dynamics (relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics). This
means that the use of SR does not commit us to a deterministic view of the
future and a timeless view of nature as entailed by the block universe.
Theologically, Polkinghorne suggests that omniscience may be taken to refer to
a particular spatial domain and a special sequence of spatial frames of
reference, and that the overall cosmic background radiation in Big Bang
cosmology might suggest a cosmic present (see cosmology below).
B) Isham defends a Platonic block universe interpretation:
all events in spacetime are equally real Thus Isham ontologizes all of spacetime homogeneously and places God outside of
time in a timeless view of the eternal present. Chris Isham sees the flowing
time view of nature as illusory. If the speed of light had been much smaller,
reality would presumably have seemed very different to us and we would never
have fallen into the error of assuming that, at each moment of our experience,
the whole universe divides into events that have not yet happened, and those
that have. As a
unashamed Platonist, Isham sees the eternal reality of the spacetime
manifold...as a single mathematical entity as the essence of relativity. He
avoids being charged as reductionist, since physics studies matter, not the
human mind. Still his main objection is about reference to the future or the
past. Which future? If it is the future of the entire universe this seems to
be equivalent to the idea of a passing now which is incompatible with both
special and general relativity. Clearly the light-cone structure for each
point-event along a given world-line provides a valid division of spacetime
into past, future, and elsewhere. This changing point-event and its changing
division of spacetime can be thought of as a passing now for the entity
moving along a given worldline. Moreover, one could posit a special sequence of
spatial reference frames through which God experiences physical reality. But
this leads to Ishams main challenge: (Polkinghorne claims) that God acts on
the world in such a way as to preserve the requirements of relativistic
physics, and this may by correct. But is it possible to construct a model of
such an interaction? It is not easy to add any external influence on the
physical world and maintain the full fabric of relativity. In essence, Isham
asks whether opponents of the block universe seek merely to reinterpret
the existing theories of physics, or do they make the much stronger claim that
their metaphysical views can be sustained only by changing the
(scientific) theories?
Variations on the argument for flowing time have also been
pursued recently. David Griffin has collected numerous articles by scientists
and philosophers which challenge the block universe view of SR. Barbour has stressed that SR points to a universe both dynamic and
interconnected and yet suggestive, through its lightcone structure, of a new
form of separateness and isolation. Responding to Hartshornes concern,
Barbour claimed that Gods immanence in all events can be thought of as the way
God is omnipresent, the way God knows all events and also influences each in
terms of its own causal past as this past is uniquely defined according to SR. Lawrence Osborn interprets relativity in terms of flowing time and connects
this with the Trinity and the creation of real temporal relations. John Lucas, like Polkinghorne and Barbour, argues that we need to posit a
divine frame of reference by which God experiences the real temporal flow of
the universe. Lucas is
open to the possibility that such a view might actually challenge SR. My
approach is to
construct a more complex interpretation of SR with two goals in mind: to
re-conceptualize past and future not as the ontological status of events
but as relations between events, and to deploy an inhomogeneous ontology for spacetime. I then suggest we
integrate these into a Trinitarian understanding of eternity, and explore
whether such a relativistically correct reconstructed Trinitarian view of
eternity may have empirical implications for science.
These issues involving SR, temporality and eternity, then,
clearly lie at the cutting edge of research in theology and science today, and
they spill over into related issues such as divine action, free will, and
Contributed by: Dr. Robert Russell