Demetrios Demopulos
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985;
M.Div., 1993, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of
Theology, Brookline,
Demetrios Demopulos is the parish priest of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church,
Fitchburg, Massachusetts and Adjunct Assistant
Professor at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline,
Massachusetts, teaching a Templeton Foundation award winning course on science
and religion. His research interests involve exploring the intersection of
science and Orthodox theology. Before becoming a priest, Rev. Demopulos was a
geneticist, with appointments at Arizona State University, University of
Alabama-Birmingham, and Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. He has
co-authored articles on maize and human genetics in various journals. He has
delivered numerous national and international addresses on the topics of
science and religion, bioethics, and cloning.
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