- Alston,
W. Divine Action, Human Freedom, and the Laws of
- Berry, Michael.
Chaos and the Semiclassical Limit of Quantum
Mechanics (Is the Moon There When Somebody Looks?)"
- Butterfield,
Jeremy. Some Worlds of Quantum Theory."
- Chiao, Raymond Y.
Quantum Nonlocalities: Experimental Evidence."
- Clarke, Chris.
The Histories Interpretation of Quantum Theory and
the Problem of Human/Divine Action."
- Clayton, Philip.
Tracing the Lines: Constraint and Freedom In the
Movement from Quantum Physics to Theology."
- Crutchfield,
James P., J. Doyne Farmer, Norman H. Packard, and Robert
S. Shaw. Chaos.
- Cushing, James T.
Determinism Versus Indeterminism in Quantum
Mechanics: A Free Choice."
- Davies, Paul C.
W. The Intelligibility of Nature."
- Drees, Willem B.
A Case Against Temporal Critical Realism?
Consequences of Quantum Cosmology for Theology."
- Ellis, George F.
R. Intimations of Transcendence: Relations of the
Mind to God."
- Ellis, George F.
R. and William R. Stoeger. Introduction to General
Relativity and Cosmology."
- Ellis, George
F.R. Quantum Theory and the Macroscopic
- Ellis, George F.
R. The Theology of the Anthropic Principle."
- Grib, Andrej A.
Quantum Cosmology, the Role of the Observer,
Quantum Logic."
- Happel, Stephen.
Metaphors and Time Asymmetry: Cosmologies in
Physics and Christian Meanings."
- Heller, Michael.
Generalizations: From Quantum Mechanics to
- Heller, Michael.
On Theological Interpretations of Physical Creation
- Isham, C.J. and
J.C. Polkinghorne. The Debate over the Block
- Kuppers,
Bernd-Olaf. Understanding Complexity.
- Lucas, John R.
The Temporality of God."
- McMullin, Ernan.
Formalism and Ontology in Early Astronomy."
- Murphy, Nancey.
Divine Action in the Natural Order: Buridans
Ass and Schrödingers Cat.
- Murphy, Nancey.
Evidence of Design in the Fine-Tuning of the
- Peacocke,
Arthur. Gods Interaction with the World: The
Implications of Deterministic Chaos and of
Interconnected and Interdependent Complexity.
- Peters, Ted.
The Trinity In and Beyond Time."
- Polkinghorne,
John. The Laws of Nature and the Laws of
- Polkinghorne,
John. Physical Process, Quantum Events, and Divine
- Russell, Robert
John. Divine Action and Quantum Mechanics: A Fresh
- Russell, Robert
John. Finite Creation without a Beginning: The
Doctrine of Creation in Relation to Big Bang and Quantum
- Russell, Robert
John. Special Providence and Genetic Mutation: A
New Defense of Theistic Evolution."
- Shimony, Abner.
The Reality of the Quantum World."
- Stoeger, William
R. Contemporary Physics and the Ontological Status
of the Laws of Nature."
- Stoeger, William
R. Epistemological and Ontological Issues Arising
from Quantum Theory."
- Tracy, Thomas F.
Creation, Providence, and Quantum Chance."
- Ward, Keith.
God as a Principle of Cosmological
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