4. Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine Action / Providence
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- Berry, R. J. God’s Books of Works: The Nature and
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- Denton, Michael. Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of
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- Du Toit, Cornel W., ed. Can Nature be Evil or
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- Edwards, Denis. How God Acts: Creation, Redemption, and
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- Edwards, Denis. The God of Evolution: A Trinitarian
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- Haught, John F. Deeper than Darwin: The Prospect for
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- Haught, John F. God After Darwin: A Theology of
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- Haught, John F. Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God,
and the Drama of Life. Louisville, KY: Westminster / John Knox, 2010.
- Haught, John F. Purpose, Evolution, and the Meaning of
Life. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press, 2004.
- Miller, Kenneth R. Finding Darwin’s God: A Scientist’s
Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution. New York:
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- Peacocke, Arthur Robert. Evolution: The Disguised
Friend of Faith? Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2004.
- Peacocke, Arthur Robert. God and the New Biology. New
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- Russell, Robert John & William Stoeger & Francisco
Ayla, eds. Evolution and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on
Divine Action. Vatican City & Berkeley, CA: Vatican State
Observatory & CTNS, 1998.
- Schmitz-Moormann, Karl. Theology of Creation in an
Evolutionary World. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim, 1997.
- Seckbach, Joseph & Richard Gordon, eds. Divine
Action and Natural Selection: Science, Faith and Evolution.
Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2009.
- Ward, Keith. Divine Action: Examining God’s Role in an
Open and Emergent Universe. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton
Foundation Press, 2007.
- Ward, Keith. God, Chance and Necessity. Novata, CA:
OneWorld Publications, 1997
- Zycinski, Jozef. God and Evolution: Fundamental
Questions of Christian Evolutionism. Washington, DC: Catholic
University Press of America, 2006.
Contributed by: Dr. Randy Maddox