Some Modern Pictures
Well, what is the modern picture? I do not think there is one - instead, there
are many, each of which captures part of the universe.
One of the modern icons, one that is engraved
on every persons imagination, is the view of the Earth from space - in
particular, perhaps, the view that the astronauts first had from orbit around
the Moon, with the dead gray lunar landscape in the foreground, and the
gorgeous blue ever-changing Earth in the distance. Now we understand Earth viscerally as a
small, fragile, very special planet, as most people did not until these
pictures became available. I think this
helps to show the power of a picture.
Figure 2. Earthrise from Apollo 11 in lunar orbit.
Hubble Deep Field was the longest time exposure with Hubble Space Telescopes
camera of any region of the sky. For two weeks, the telescope looked at this same patch of sky continuously.
It is a very small region of the sky, about
four arc-minutes across. That is the
size of the intersection of two crossed sewing needles held at arms length. A
video of this image was made by Ken Lanzetta and his colleagues at State University
of New York at Stony Brook. First the video simply pans across the picture, and
every single bright spot you see is a galaxy.
Many of these are giant galaxies like the Milky Way, big spiral galaxies
that contain a hundred billion stars or so.
The picture was taken looking out of the disk of the Milky Way so that
there are very few stars in the way, but there are a few stars. The bright cross in the upper left corner of
Figure 3(a) is what a near-by star looks like.
Now the thing that one has to appreciate as one looks at an image like
this, is that one is seeing galaxies super-imposed in front of other galaxies.
We see all the galaxies that are reasonably bright, all the way out to the edge
of the visible universe.
Figure 3(a).A portion of the Hubble Deep
Field Image.
It would be wonderful to be
able to see these galaxies not stacked on top of each other, but spread out in
space and time, and that is what the video is about. It is possible to measure the red-shift of about five hundred of
the galaxies and, based on those measurements, to estimate the red-shifts for
all the rest from their colors. That is
what the Lanzetta group did. And so
what this lets us do is to zoom into the picture. We see first the near-by galaxies go sliding away to the sides of
the picture, and then, as we go farther and farther in, only the galaxies that
are very far away from us are still visible.
first galaxies to disappear are within the nearest billion light years or so.
The colors are reasonably accurate, and the fact that the galaxies we can still
see are now looking somewhat yellower reflects their red-shift: their light is
shifted toward the red end of the spectrum because of the expansion of the
universe since their light was emitted.
Even about four billion light years away, there are still plenty of big
galaxies, but at about seven billion years back there are no more big galaxies
visible in this field.
Figure 3(b).When the universe was about half its present age.
Figure 3(c). Back to the first two billion years.
By the time we get back to about one billion
years after the beginning, the sky is suddenly dark. If there were bright galaxies there, we would see them. We are
now at the threshold of the real cosmic dark ages, before the cosmic night was
pierced by the first beacons of bright starlight.
Now, how do we visualize the whole universe
in our minds? We can not paint a
picture, because we can not see it from outside - a picture is taken from
outside the object, but were inside the universe. We can not see all times.
As we look out in space, we look back in time. And most of the universe anyway is invisible stuff that we call
dark matter. We do not know what it
is. We know roughly where it is, but we can not see it, so we
can not picture it in the sort of direct way that we are used to. An effective image should say something
about the universe as a whole, but it does not need to say everything. Let me show you some examples:
Figure 4. Cosmic Spheres
of time.
Again, as we look out into space, we look
back in time. The near-by universe
surrounds us, and this is the part that we are busy exploring now, with the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey and other very ambitious projects, but most of the
volume of the universe remains only very partially explored. The way we do that
exploration by drilling holes through the distant universe in very narrow
little images like the Hubble Deep Field.
Then we study the pictures and try to take them apart to see the
evolution of structure. Beyond a
certain distance, we do not see any bright galaxies - there may be none!
The universe first became transparent about
two hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.
It is from this sphere - represented by the inside of the outermost band
in Figure 4 - that the Cosmic Background Radiation was emitted. This heat radiation from the Big Bang has
been traveling to us through all of space ever since. And the very earliest stages of the Big Bang are concentric
circles right at the edge of the figure that represent the eras of the great
annihilations of the particles that initially populated the universe. There were initially almost equal amounts of
matter and anti-matter, but now only the tiny remnant of matter survives. Even earlier were the eras of
symmetry-breaking and cosmic inflation.
We are surrounded by cosmic spheres of time. Spheres somewhat different from the Medieval conception, however,
and much larger.
Here is another kind of picture, which
represents not time but what the universe is made of.
Figure 5
(a). Cosmic Density
Pyramid (top)
Now this is a picture that you
probably all have in your pockets. It
is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the
back of the dollar bill. It was an
Egyptian symbol later adopted by the Masons (several of the Founding Fathers
were Masons). The pyramid, I am told,
symbolizes strength and solidity. Above is the all-seeing eye of God. Now, I am going to use this pyramid in a
somewhat different way to represent all the visible matter in the
universe. The part on top with the eye,
which is about a quarter of the height of the full pyramid, represents the
heavy elements, from lithium upward in atomic weight. Astrophysicists call all these elements - carbon, oxygen,
nitrogen, silicon, iron, and so on - metals.
They total about a hundredth of a percent of critical density. Critical
density is the minimum density required for the expansion of the universe to be
turned around by the gravitational attraction of all the matter in it. Hydrogen and helium, the two lightest
elements, make up more than 99% of the mass of the elements in the
universe. The volume of the rest of the
pyramid represents all the hydrogen and helium we can see in the form of stars
and gas, and this amounts to about half a percent of critical density. But
there is much more mass than that.
Invisible ordinary matter (atoms that are not lit up) amounts to about
5% of critical density, so ten times more than everything visible.
5 (b). The full Cosmic Density Pyramid.
But there is still much more matter than
that. Most of the mass of matter is
dark matter, probably of the cold dark matter variety, possibly mostly made up
of the lightest supersymmetric partner particles. Although the key feature of dark matter is
that it is invisible, not really
dark, the name dark matter has become standard for this mysterious
stuff. It is gravitationally the most
important matter in our own Milky Way galaxy and probably all other galaxies,
and also in larger objects such as clusters of galaxies. It keeps the stars in their orbits around
the galaxies, and keeps galaxies moving around inside their clusters. And the very same amount of dark matter is
required to explain the bending of light around galaxies and clusters. The total mass of dark matter is probably
about thirty percent of what we call critical density. Observations now convincingly indicate that
the total density of all the matter, including dark matter, is significantly
less than critical density.
The amount of matter is dwarfed by what seems
to be the dominant stuff of the universe - whatever it is - which we call the
cosmological constant or dark energy.
It makes up something like 65% of critical density.
This three-dimensional picture of the composition
of the universe shows how very little there is of the metals we are made out of
(and presumably all intelligent life could be made out of). The full Cosmic Density Pyramid above is
also a picture of the universe - of an aspect of the universe, that is. Of course, we would love to know what the
mysterious dark matter is, and also why there is a cosmological constant. These are two of the most important open
questions in cosmology today.
Let us turn to one last pair of images.
Figure 6. The Wedge of
Material Reality
This is a picture of the
possible densities of things. It is a
plot of the mass of all things in the universe, from elementary particles up to
the whole visible universe, versus their sizes. The ratio of mass to volume equals density. Interestingly, plants
and animals, and stars, for that matter, all lie along one line. It is the water density line. As you can see, not all densities are
allowed. The two great twentieth
century laws of physics - General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - exclude two
regions of the diagram.
The line that passes through points A and B
(and continues in both directions beyond the figure) represents for every size
on the X-axis the maximum mass that could possibly exist in it. If any more mass were crammed in, according
to General Relativity it would collapse into a black hole.
The line through A and C (and beyond)
represents the limit on sizes imposed by Quantum Mechanics. The smallest
physical size possible is the Planck size, and things close to that size are
considered to be on the Planck scale.
It is a region 10-33 cm across. We cannot talk about, calculate, or conceptualize anything
smaller in a way that has meaning in terms of our current concepts of physics
The largest size we know is that of the
visible universe, but what exactly does this mean? Expansion of the universe means that space is expanding away from
us faster and faster the further out we look.
Since the velocity at which a point is moving away from us is always
increasing with distance, far enough away space is expanding at the speed of
light. That distance from us - which at
this era in the history of the universe is about 1028 cm - is the
radius of what we call the cosmic horizon and is the maximum distance from
which we can receive informationin principle. The horizon is a sphere, and we are at the
center (Fig. 4). Although we have no
reason not to believe space is just the same beyond our horizon, there is no
way we can receive any direct information confirming it. Light cannot reach us from a region
expanding away from us faster than the speed of light. On the figure there is
an error bar for the density of the universe because we do not know more
precisely than this the total amount of matter it contains and therefore its
The Wedge of Material Reality thus shows us
that objects can only exist inside the wedge-shaped region of the plot. From the smallest size, the Planck size, to
the largest, the horizon of the universe, is a difference of about 60 orders of
magnitude. It is large, but not
Figure 7. The Cosmic
Let us draw the possible size scales along
the body of a snake instead of just the horizontal axis in the Wedge of
Material Reality. Sheldon Glashow (Fig.
6) was the first to draw an uroboros to represent the size scales in the
universe. The head swallowing the tail
reflected his expectation that gravity controls on both the largest scales and
also the smallest scales, and that there will one-day be a unification of all
the laws of physics. A further thing
that I find very interesting about this diagram is that there are connections across the Cosmic Uroboros. Electromagnetism controls on the scale from
atoms up to mountains. Mountains are as
high as they are on earth because of an interplay between the strength of
materials - basically electromagnetic forces - and gravity. On a smaller planet, like Mars, the highest
mountains are much higher, because they are made of essentially the same
materials but gravity is weaker and does not pull them down. There are also connections across the center
of the diagram, from the very small to the very large. The weak and strong
interactions, together with the electromagnetic interaction, control how stars
burn, and thus also the compositions of planets. The processes at the center of the sun that ultimately generates
sunlight involves conversion of two protons to two neutrons (that is a weak
interaction) and their fusion (that is a strong interaction) to make a helium
nucleus. On the still larger scales of
galaxies and larger objects, dark matter is most important gravitationally, as
we have seen. But dark matter is not
associated with any of the forces that we know and understand on the scales we
have probed so far, so we assume that it must be associated with laws of
physics on still smaller scales - possibly supersymmetry (SUSY) or other
ideas such as axions. We hope, as
Glashow does, that maybe there is some unification of all the laws on the very
smallest and the very largest scales.
Now, the laws that are important on different
scales are different. The same physical
laws apply on all scales, but they are not necessarily equally important. Electricity is much more important on small
scales, gravity on large scales. Scale
models can never work, because of the way the laws of physics work. Galileo pointed this out in the last of his
great books, The Discourses Concerning Two
New Sciences, where he showed that if the height of an animal were
increased by a factor of three, it could no longer be the same shape. If its
bones became three times longer in all directions, they would be 9 times
thicker (because the cross-section is proportional to the area) but 27 times
more massive (because the mass would scale as the volume,the
cube of the height.) To
support so much weight, the bones would have to be much thicker.
We call the error of applying the laws and
viewpoint appropriate to one size scale, to phenomena on another scale, scale
incongruity. For example, imagining
that the Big Bang can be understood using just commonsense physics is scale
incongruity. In the early universe, much of the material that we now see all
the way out to the cosmic horizon was compressed into a much smaller volume,
and such high densities and correspondingly high temperatures require
relativistic quantum physics. Another
example of scale incongruity: thinking of a molecule as ice or liquid. You need millions of molecules to make the
tiniest piece of a snowflake. As one goes
up in size scale, and thus complexity, such phase transitions show that one can
get new emergent phenomena that are qualitatively different.
Many people believe the human
size is insignificant compared to the cosmic scale. But perhaps you noticed on the Cosmic Uroboros that humans are
essentially in the middle of the range of size scales in the universe. There is nothing arbitrary about that. That is where we are, and that is where
creatures like us must be on this sort of diagram. Our brains must be as big as they are, to be as complex as they
are. The universe is much bigger than
we are, because it took billions of years for the universe to reach the level
of complexity represented by human life, and it was expanding all that time.
Just because we are so much smaller than the cosmic horizon does not mean that
we are insignificant. After all, we may be the only creatures in the
universe who are beginning to understand it.
Contributed by: Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams