Does SETI Have Implications for the Question of Cosmic Purpose?
Whether the universe has any
point or purpose to it is a question that religions must always be
concerned about, perhaps above all else.
Religions can put up with all kinds of scientific ideas as long as they
do not contradict the sense that the whole of things is meaningful. They can survive the news that the Earth is
not the center of the universe, that human beings are descended from simian
ancestors and that the universe is 15 billion years old. What they cannot abide, however, is the
suspecial that the whole of things is pointless.
It is worth asking,
therefore, how the search for ETI might bear upon the question of cosmic
purpose and, by implication, on the meaning and mission of our own lives. Any serious religious reflection on
cosmology takes the question of purpose to be both unavoidable and central, and
so it is especially for this reason that theological reflections on SETI seem
appropriate in the context of the present book.
Generally speaking,
"purpose" means orientation toward the realization of a value. So, to say that the universe has a purpose
would be to imply that it is oriented toward the realization of something
intrinsically good or valuable. Cosmic
purpose does not have to imply a particular finis or end. Purpose is not identical with a
predetermined plan or design, both of which tend to close off the future in a
suffocating way. All we need in order
to affirm cosmic purpose is an awareness that something of undeniable
importance is going on in the universe, and that it is doing so in a way that
is tied essentially and not just accidentally to the whole of the cosmos.
Of course, in an unfinished
universe there will by definition always be ambiguity. And so here and now we will look intensely
for whatever indicators we can find to support our own suspicions, whether
these be pessimistic or hopeful.
Accordingly, it would seem relevant to our understanding of what this
universe is all about, that we try to find out whether intelligent life is
abundantly distributed throughout the cosmos, or, for that matter, whether it
exists only here on Earth. Certainly
the existence of ETI would force us to reexamine the claim by evolutionists
such as Ernst Mayr, Jacques Monod, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins and many
others that life and intelligence are the results of utterly improbable, purely
random statistical aberrations in an overwhelmingly lifeless and mindless
universe. In this respect SETI would
seem to have theological importance.
However, it is not good
form, theologically speaking, to make the credibility of a religious sense of
cosmic purpose contingent upon the vicissitudes of scientific exploration. And so the discovery of ETI cannot be looked
to as a deciding factor on a question of such vital religious importance as
that of cosmic purpose. Anyway, one
cannot help suspecting that scientific thinkers already inclined to think of
the universe as "pointless" would persist in looking for ways to
understand and explain even an abundant distribution of intelligent life in the
cosmos as no less the consequence of blind chance and impersonal physical laws
than life and intelligence on Earth now seem to them to be. If the physics of the early universe has
come upon coincidences, constants and initial conditions predisposed toward the
emergence of carbon-based life and intelligence, then scientific thinkers
already conditioned to explanation in terms of "chance" and
"necessity" alone will have no trouble speculatively conjuring up an
infinity of mindless universes within whose amplitude our own mind-birthing
cosmos can present itself as an unintelligible and impersonal accident. Some scientific thinkers have in this way
already adjusted their cosmic pessimism to the Big Bang universe after the intellectually
more appealing eternal universe of traditional materialism was challenged by
the cosmology of Einstein, LeMaitre and Hubble. And so there is little doubt that the discovery of ETI would
scarcely change the minds of those already comfortable with the notion of an
essentially mindless universe devoid of meaning.
For this reason, then, our
reflections on SETI throw us back once again on the question of what our own
intelligence, even it turns out to be the sole instance of it in the cosmos,
might imply as far as the character, and possible purposiveness, of the
universe is concerned. As I noted
earlier, any process that moves incrementally toward the establishment or
intensification of intrinsic value could be called purposeful. If so, then might we not plausibly claim
that a universe that proceeds over the course of its history - however long and
meandering this journey through time may be - toward the establishment of
intelligent life, is a purposeful one?
Even if intelligent life manifests itself only on one planet could it
not still be considered a property of the cosmos as a whole, especially in the
light of recent astrophysics? In this case the existence of our own intelligent life would be sufficient of
itself to render the universe meaningful, and the discovery of ETI would not
add anything qualitatively new to this judgment.
After all, intelligence
itself is the most indubitable instance we have of intrinsic value. If you find yourself doubting or denying
what I have just said, it is only because you are now at this moment spontaneously
acknowledging the value of your own intelligence. It is impossible for you consistently to deny the intrinsic
importance of your intelligence. By
issuing judgments about the truth-status of the assertions I have just made you
have already demonstrated how deeply you treasure your own mind and its
capacity to understand, criticize and know.
Now if what I have just said
is correct - and you really can't doubt it without proving my point - then the
existence of even one instance, or one planetary outpost, of intelligence in
this vast universe might be enough to make the whole story that leads up to its
existence a purposeful one, especially if that story is continuous with and
ingredient in the emergence of intelligent life. Now that with the help of physics and astrophysics we understand
how intricately our own intelligence is connected to the fifteen billion year
cosmic story, and to the physical features of the universe from the very
earliest microseconds of cosmic time, to assert that the universe is inherently
purposeless seems arbitrary at best. In
view of the spontaneous (and undeniable) valuation of your own intelligence on
the one hand, and our new scientific understanding of the cosmic process constitutive
of your intelligence on the other, you cannot but wonder about the coherence of
any claim that the universe is inherently pointless. To argue in complete seriousness that the cosmos is ultimately
unintelligible, or even to entertain doubts about the purposiveness of this
patently mind-bearing universe, would at this point in our scientific
understanding of the cosmos seem to sabotage the very mind that is making such
an assertion.
The point to be made here
with respect to SETI and cosmic purpose is that the existence of intelligent
life on Earth, whether it exists elsewhere or not, may already tell us
something about the essential nature of the whole universe. Perhaps we do not need to have any other
instances of intelligent life to convince us that this is an essentially
mind-bearing universe.
However, even aside from the
point I have just made, SETI may eventually have some implications for the
question of cosmic purpose. Let us
recall that the modern loss of a sense of cosmic purpose is ultimately rooted
in the modern expulsion of mind from nature - by Cartesian dualism, classical
mechanism and modern scientism. It is
not out of science itself but out of the assumed mindlessness of nature that
the historically recent and culturally provincial idea arose that the cosmos is
pointless and that the appearance of our own intelligence, therefore, is a
purely accidental one. An essentially
mindless universe would seem to be a purposeless one, but a universe in which
intelligent life is an essential rather than accidental property could hardly be
called purposeless. And so, any future
discovery that instances of intelligence occur abundantly in the universe could
not help but place the burden of proof upon those who see no intrinsic
connection between mind and the rest of nature.
Contributed by: Dr. Jack Haught