Peter Dodson
Peter Dodson holds three degrees in earth sciences: B.Sc. University of
Ottawa 68; M.Sc. University of Alberta 70; Ph.D. Yale University 74. He has
spent his entire career as a gross anatomist at the University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine, with a secondary appointment in the Dept. of
Geology. He is also research associate at the Academy of Natural Sciences of
Philadelphia. He has done extensive fieldwork in the western United States and
Canada. In 1981 discovered a new horned dinosaur in Montana, which he described
as Avaceratops lammersi in 1986. Since 1995 he has visited China (twice) and
India, and have participated in field projects in Madagascar, Egypt and
Argentina. Less exotic but also rewarding is a field site in Montana that has
recently yielded a new sauropod dinosaur. He is co-editor of The Dinosauria,
University of California Press, 1990, author of The Horned Dinosaurs
(Princeton University Press, 1996), and several childrens books, including An
Alphabet of Dinosaurs (Scholastic 1995). He taught a Templeton course on
science and religion at the University of Pennsylvania in 1999, and is
currently president of the Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science.
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