William Damon
William Damon, Ph.D is Professor of
Education and Director of the Center on Adolescence at Stanford
University . He is also Senior
Fellow at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Prior to coming
to Stanford, Damon was University Professor and Director of the Center for the
Study of Human Development at Brown University
. He received his bachelor's degree from Harvard and his doctorate
in developmental psychology from the University
of California at Berkeley
. Damon is editor-in-chief of New Directions for Child and
Adolescent Development and editor of The Handbook of Child Psychology (1998).
Recently, he has been helping schools and communities build "youth
charters" for adolescent moral development. In addition, Damon has been
working with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Howard Gardner on a large educational
project seeking to foster good work in several key domains of American society.
The domains include journalism, business, the sciences, higher education, and
philanthropy. Damon has received awards and grants from many sources, including
the Pew Charitable Trusts, the John Templeton Foundation, the John D. and
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Carnegie
Corporation of New York , the New
York Community Trust, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and the Thrive
Foundation. He has recently been elected to membership in the National Academy
of Education.
Selected Bibliography
Damon, William and Richard M.
Lerner. Theoretical Models of Human Development, v. 1. Handbook of Child
Psychology, 5th Edition. John Wiley and Sons: March
10, 2000 .
Damon, William, et al. Cognition,
Perception and Language, v. 2. Handbook of Child Psychology, 5th Edition.
John Wiley and Sons: March 10, 2000
Damon, William and Nancy Eisenberg. Social,
Emotional, and Personality Development, v. 3. Handbook of Child Psychology,
5th Edition. John Wiley and Sons: March
10, 2000 .
Damon, William. Greater Expectations.
Touchstone Books: 1996.
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