Augustine, St. (354-430 CE)African
Bishop and Doctor of the Catholic Church.
He lived much of his life in Roman North Africa and was, for the last 34 years
of his life, the Bishop Regius of the seaport known as Hippo, located in
modern-day Algeria. He is the most acute of Christian Platonists and did much to
lay the foundations for the synthesis between Christianity and the classical
theism that stemmed from Plato and Aristotle. Later authors including Anselm,
Aquinas, Luther, Pascal and Kierkegaard, all stand within the tradition that he
established. His writings were also amongst the favourite books of Wittgenstein
and Nietzsche. He was one of the first to explore the existence of a sub-conscious,
anticipating the work of Freud by some fifteen centuries. A biography is located
within the pages of his Confessions, but he also wrote on commentaries on
the gospel of John, the doctrine of the Trinity and the idea of the just city in
City of God: Against the Pagans.

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by: Richard P Whaite
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