So far most of those in the science/religion field have been
working within a Christian context, but there is growing concern to bring into
the dialog people from other faith traditions. Recently a major conference,
called "Science and the Spiritual Quest", was hosted by the Center for
Theology and the Natural Sciences at the University of California, at Berkeley.
This conference brought together three dozen scientists from around the world,
representing all three monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Participants came from four major scientific areas - physics, cosmology,
biology, and computer sciences - and spoke publicly about how they saw their
lives as scientists and their lives of faith working together.
Many agreed with cancer researcher Carl Feit from Yeshiva
University in New York, who noted that "I dont think that by studying
science you will be forced to conclude that there must be a God. But if you have
already found God, then you can say, from understanding science, Ah, I see
what God has done in the world." Feit, also a Talmudic scholar, is one
example of the long and noble tradition of great Jewish scientists. Similarly,
Bruno Guiderdoni, another participant at the conference, is a research physics
at the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris, and also a practicing Moslem with a
serious interest in Sufi mysticism. According to Guiderdoni, Islam views the
entire universe as "Gods self-disclosure to himself" - thus, he
says, for Moslems there should not be any contradiction between religion and the
results of science. Mark Richardson, organizer of the Berkeley conference, says
that its ecumenical nature was one of the crucial features and he hopes to see
more such interfaith conferences in the future.
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| Contributed by: Margaret Wertheim