Ethical Challenges in a Post Genome Era
Charles P. Delisi - Dean, Boston
University College of Engineering
Efficiency of Cloning in Humans Unknown; Low in Other Vertebrates
No Knowledge of Life Span
Kant’s Categorical Imperative
Creating a twin whose
purpose is to serve as a replicate violates universal moral principles. It is
the extreme version of using another individual to serve one’s own purposes and
it displays a profound disregard for the inherent worth of others.
Is a Delayed Genetic Twin a Replicate?
Absence of mitochondrial DNA
The Danger of Extreme Nationalism
Different Views of Safety and Responsibility
Dangers of the well-intentioned use of Technology
Other Considerations
The Obligatory Pursuit of Knowledge
The Controlled Use of Technology to Improve the Human Condition
Civil Liberties / Freedom of Inquiry
Genomics and Moral Responsibility
Challenges to Civil Liberties: Privacy vs. the
Right to Know
Employment to Others
Responsibilities to Others
Genomics and Moral Responsibility
As Individuals (personal)
As a Society (national)
As a Family of Human Beings (international)
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Issues for the Millennium Workshop