Judith Jenkins Kohatsu
Judith Jenkins Kohatsu, is the
pastor of Ballard Vale United Church in Andover, MA. She is an elder in the New
England Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. She received her
M.Div. (1986) at Boston University School of Theology. She holds a S.B. in
Metallurgy (1969) and a Ph.D. in Metallurgy and Materials Science (1973) from
M.I.T. She worked as a Physical Metallurgist for the Army Materials and
Mechanics Research Center in Watertown, MA before entering seminary. She is a
founding member of The New England Center for Faith and Science Exchange. With
a colleague, Rev. Richard O. Randolph of St. Paul School of Theology she
co-edited the May-June, 2001 issue of Circuit Rider (journal for Methodist
clergy) and wrote Adams, Apes, and Divine Action for that issue. She has led
workshops and spoken at a number of conferences on the role of faith and
science in local churches. With Rev. Randolph she co-convenes the United
Methodists in Dialogue on Science and Religion and represents her denomination
at the Ecumenical Roundtable on Science, Technology and the Church.
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