Arnold Eisen
Arnold Eisen, Ph.D is Daniel E. Koshland
Professor in Jewish Culture and Religion at Stanford
University . He is an expert in the
modern transformations of Jewish religious belief and practice. He is the
author most recently of Rethinking Modern Judaism: Ritual, Commandment,
Community (University of Chicago Press, 1999), for which he received the
Koret Jewish Book Award, and (with sociologist Steven Cohen) of The Jew
Within: Self, Family, and Community in America
Selected Bibliography
Eisen, Arnold. Rethinking Modern
Judaism: Ritual, Commandment, Community. University
of Chicago Press: 1999.
Eisen, Arnold. Taking Hold of Torah:
Jewish Commitment and Community in America
. Indiana University
Press: 2000.
Cohen, Stephen and Arnold
Eisen. The Jew Within: Self, Family, and Community in America
. Indiana University
Press: 2000.
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