What about Other Sources of Stem Cells?
Because of the prominence of the embryo protection voices,
some have thought that all ethical issues would disappear if only we could
avoid destroying the blastocyst. Some argue that “adult” stem cells, if fully
researched, are likely to hold the same benefit as embryonic stem cells. “Adult
stem cells” refer to multipotent stem cells such as
those found in the blood stream. They can be derived from living persons or
umbilical cords and would not involve destruction of an early embryo. Here
again, we note that the term “adult” may be misleading, for the just-born
infant is considered an “adult” for purposes of adult stem cell research.
Others argue that adult stem cells will not solve the
ethical issues. Adult stem cells are already partially differentiated, already
designated for a limited range of tissue types. They are not pluripotent. To
date, no credible experiments on adult stem cells have demonstrated that their
value to regenerative medicine is equal to that of embryonic stem cells. Some
studies have suggested that adult stem cells from one tissue type can migrate
to and integrate into other tissues. However, it has not been demonstrated that
these stem cells actually become the new tissue type; that is, it has not been
demonstrated that they function as a stem cell of this new tissue type - they do
not produce daughter cells of that tissue type nor do they appear to regenerate
that tissue. In order for transplanted stem cells to be valuable for
regenerative medicine they need to be capable of three things: 1) they must
lodge in the host tissue, 2) they must become that tissue type, and 3) they
must regenerate that tissue. As of this writing, only embryonic stem cells have
demonstrated all three capabilities. Most scientists recommend that adult stem
cell research continue, to be sure; but they recommend that embryonic stem cell
research also be continued.
Because of this, several other proposals have been made.
One suggests that stem cells might be derived from “organismically
dead” embryos - those that were frozen following IVF and upon being thawed fail
to divide. If they are declared organismically dead,
then using them does not involve killing. Others have suggested that it may be
possible to remove one or two cells from the inner cell mass in order to
culture stem cells. Just as one or two cells are often removed from an IVF
embryo in order to check for genetic disease, this process would not destroy
the blastocyst. Still others have proposed that we
might use science to create an organism that is genetically engineered so that
it could not develop into a full-fledged human embryo or fetus. Or it might be
possible to stimulate an egg into dividing without having fertilized it or used
SCNT; thus, there is no “embryo” but only a dividing egg.
Two things should be noted about these proposals. First, it
should be noted that their development attests to the significance of the
embryo protection framework. Each represents a way of trying to avoid the
problem of killing the early blastocyst. Second it
should be noted that each of these proposals raises new and difficult ethical
issues. For instance, removal of one or two cells from the inner cell mass
might put that blastocyst at risk for anomalies if brought to birth. For this
reason, the President’s Council rejects this option even though it avoids the ethical
issue of killing an embryo.
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| Contributed by: Gaymon Bennett, Karen Lebacqz and
Ted Peters