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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 14 matches (0.01 seconds)
1. Divine Action Topic: Wildman, Wesley J. and Robert John Russell. “Chaos...
Wildman , Wesley J. and Robert John Russell . “Chaos: A Mathematical Introduction with Philosophical Reflections.” Wesley J. Wildman and Robert John Russell’s article surveys the mathematical details of a single
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2. Divine Action Topic: Tracy, Thomas F. “Evolution, Divine Action, and th...
various goods in creation. John Hick, for example, holds that the good of “soul making” requires that persons be free to develop their intellectual, moral, and spiritual capacities by acting in an environment that is lawful, impersonal,
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3. Divine Action Topic: Tracy, Thomas F. “Particular Providence and the Go...
causes must be incomplete. John Compton has suggested another way to pursue this second strategy. Just as we routinely describe certain movements of the human body both as a series of physical events and as intentional action, so we can describe
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4. Full Biography Index
Wesley Elsberry Sandra Faber Carl Feit Anna Foerst John Gabrieli Scott Gilbert
- 67.7kb

5. Divine Action Topic: Evolutionary Theory
Haught, John F. “Darwin’s Gift to Theology." Hefner, Philip. “Biocultural Evolution: A Clue to the Meaning of Nature." Pope John Paul II. “Message to
- 5.1kb

6. Resources: Bibliography for Russell on Cosmology
Mechanics (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974) James T. Cushing and Ernan McMullin, eds., Philosophical Consequences of Quantum Theory (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1989). Wesley J. Wildman and
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7. Biography: Biography Index
John D Barrow - Astrophysicist, author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle Michael J. Behe - Biologist, advocate of Intelligent Design Theory, author
- 32.9kb

8. Resources: CTNS Recommended: Research Level
Brooke , John and Geoffrey Cantor. Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion . (Edinburgh: T&T Clark , 1998). ISBN: 0567086003. Brooke, John Hedley, Jitse M. Van Der Meer and Margaret
- 10.1kb

9. Biography: Randy Maddox
is Professor of Theology and Wesleyan Studies at the Divinity School of Duke University. He is a recognized authority on both John Wesley 's theology and the theological developments in later Methodism. Dr. Maddox has had a life-long interest in
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10. Divine Action Topic: Chaos Theory
Polkinghorne, John. “The Laws of Nature and the Laws of Physics." Polkinghorne, John. “The Metaphysics of Divine Action.” Stoeger, William R.. “Describing God’s
- 4.7kb

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