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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 31 matches (0 seconds)
1. General Term: Transgenic
Transgenic An organism that is artificially modified through the implantation of heterologous DNA into one or more of its cells. Related Topics: Genetics Contributed by: BU Search
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2. Biography: Jose Cibelli
Robl ) on the production of transgenic cattle. Dr. Cibelli is one of the pioneers in the area of cloning with transgenic somatic cells in bovine for the production of animals and embryonic stem cell -like cells. His work was focused in the
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3. Biography: Eric Overström
successful in producing transgenic swine and mice, and more recently the laboratory reported the production of the first cloned transgenic goats using novel somatic cell nuclear transfer methods (Baguisi et al, 1999). Moreover, this work has
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4. Genetics Topic: Application of Cloning to the Production of Biopharmaceutica...
< ~ 98% of offspring are transgenic , demonstrates stable transgene integration & expression Germline transgenesis Less costly due to transfection/selection in vitro Disadvantages Methodology not optimized in
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5. Genetics Topic: Overcoming Preconception Relating to Assisted Reproductive T...
05/99 Cloned transgenic goats 05/99 Interspecies embryos produced Chronology of HARTs and Related Animal Studies --- High Impact Claims
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6. Genetics Topic: Beginning Reflections of One Unitarian Universalist on Cloni...
, Stem Cells , Telomere , Transgenic , Xenotransplantation , Zygote Topic Index Next > A Catholic Perspective on Cloning and Stem Cell Research Show Topics/Video
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7. Genetics Topic: Production of Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Soma...
Transgenic ES-like cells were injected into preimplantation embryos and transferred into surrogate mothers Six out of seven animals born were found onimeric for at least one tissue and overall onimerism was
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8. Genetics Topic: Moral Imagination
, Stem Cells , Telomere , Transgenic , Xenotransplantation , Zygote Topic Index Next > Interreligious Panel Discussion Show Topics/Video Email link | Feedback
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9. Genetics Topic: A Hindu View based on Dharma, Karma and Yoga of Human Clonin...
, Stem Cells , Telomere , Transgenic , Xenotransplantation , Zygote Topic Index Next > The Bioethics of Interdependence: Shin Buddhist Attitudes on Human Cloning Show Topics/Video
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10. Genetics Topic: Beyond Biology: Regulating Ownership in a Knowledge-based Ec...
, Stem Cells , Telomere , Transgenic , Xenotransplantation , Zygote Topic Index Next > Biotechnology and International Trade Show Topics/Video Email link |
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Unscientific America: How science illiteracy threatens our future
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