1. General Term: Spacetime
Spacetime A continuum of four dimensions (3 spatial and 1 temporal) in which any object
or event can be located.
Related Topics:
for Spacetime
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2. Physics Topic: General Relativity
In it, matter and spacetime are interrelated physical phenomena.
Matter moves along curved paths due to the curvature of spacetime.
At the same time, spacetime is curved because of the presence
and distribution of matter. Hence the
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3. Physics Topic: Special Relativity
called "spacetime ". In three dimensions, we measure
the distance r between points by the usual Pythagorean measure:
x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = r 2 .
In spacetime, we measure the "interval" or
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4. Divine Action Topic: Isham, C.J. and J.C. Polkinghorne. The Debate ove...
a timeless view in which
all spacetime events have equal ontological status. The finite speed of light, the light cone structure, and the
downfall of universal simultaneity and with it the physical status of flowing
time in special
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5. General Term: Big Bang Cosmology
possible path in curved spacetime. Their motion, in
turn, would alter the curvature of spacetime, thus giving the field equations
General Theory of Relativity (GR) their highly non-linear form aptly described
as: spacetime tells mass
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6. Divine Action Topic: Ward, Keith. God as a Principle of Cosmological E...
Although God transcends spacetime
as its cause, God is nevertheless temporal, since . . . by creating spacetime,
God creates new temporal relations in the Divine being itself. Allowing God to have temporal relations
makes it
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7. Interview: Cosmic Questions Clip Index
and Dimensions
of Spacetime
John Barrow on 'Copernicus ' Principle'
John Barrow on Our Location in the Universe and the
Anthropic Principle
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8. General Term: Block Universe
Block Universe A view of spacetime that affords equal (ontological ) status to all points in
spacetime, thus regarding temporality as an illusory human construct with no
reference to reality as understood by modern physics.
Related Topics:
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9. General Term: Inflationary Big Bang Cosmology
into huge portions of spacetime in which
the natural constants and even the specific laws of physics can vary. The effect
of inflation on the problem of t=0, however, is fascinating. In some
inflationary cosmologies, the Hawking -Penrose
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10. General Term: Past Lightcone
A cone-shaped portion of spacetime containing all (past) locations from which
light could arrive at a particular location within spacetime (the tip of the
cone). The tip can be reached from points inside the cone at the speed of light
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