Displaying results 1 - 10 of 17 matches (0.01 seconds)
1. Genetics Topic: Production of Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Soma...
of Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Somatic Cells
José Cibelli . Vice President of Research, Advanced Cell Technology
Transgenic ES-like cells were injected into preimplantation embryos and
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2. General Term: Somatic Cells
Somatic Cells Cells from the body
that compose the tissues, organs, and parts of that individual other than the
germ (sex) cells.
Related Topics:
by: BU
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3. Stem Cell Topic: The Moral Status of Human Stem Cells
status to it.
Since most cells in the human body possess a unique diploid genome and
are not regarded as morally protectable, the question of whether ES cells are
morally equivalent to somatic cells or whether they are more like human
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4. Stem Cell Topic: Question: What is the Embryonic Status of Totipotent and Pl...
is it that pluripotent stem
cells are one step down the embryonic staircase? Totipotent
stem cells are capable of producing all tissue, including the trophoblast
necessary for implantation. Totipotent stem cells have the potential of
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5. General Term: Somatic Cell Gene Therapy
Somatic Cell Gene Therapy Genetic engineering
of adult cells to alleviate disease, however, it is not possible yet.
Related Topics:
by: BU
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6. Stem Cell Topic: Question: is There a Potential Baby in Every Body Cell?
as the source. Somatic cells might become the source for pluripotent
we would experience a shift in ethical ground tantamount to an earthquake.
Initially and naively, we could breathe a sigh of relief. If
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7. Stem Cell Topic: The Enormous Potential Value of Stem Cell Research
in a laboratory from stem cells would be of enormous value for cardiomyocytes to renew heart muscle to
prevent congestive heart failure; replacement of hematopoietic stem cells for producing healthy blood in bone
marrow to resist infection
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8. Biography: Jose Cibelli
of cloning with transgenic somatic
cells in bovine for the production of animals and embryonic stem cell -like
cells. His work was focused in the production of transgenic cattle. In January
1998, Dr. Cibelli's efforts lead to the announced the
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9. Genetics Topic: The Bioethics of Interdependence: Shin Buddhist Attitudes on...
57 calves cloned from somatic cells have been born.
35 calves cloned from somatic cells are still alive.
461 cloned calves have been made by nuclear transplantation from embryos.
164 cloned calves from embryo are
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10. Genetics Topic: Treating Faulty DNA
the distinction between somatic therapy and germline enhancement.
By somatic therapy we refer to the treatment of a
disease in the body cells of a living individual by trying to
repair an existing defect. Many ethical commentators
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