Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4 matches (0.01 seconds)
1. Biography: Sheldon Krimsky
Sheldon Krimsky Sheldon Krimsky is professor of Urban & Environmental Policy at Tufts
University. He received his bachelors and masters degrees in physics from
Brooklyn College, CUNY and Purdue University respectively, and a
- 4.3kb
2. Full Biography Index
Sheldon Krimsky
Lawrence Kushner
David Latham
Karen Lebacqz
John Leslie
Andre Linde
- 67.7kb
3. Genetics Topic: Issues For the Millennium: Cloning and Genetic Technologies ...
Sheldon Krimsky , Professor, Tufts University
Disharmonization in Agricultural Biotechnology: Play
David Brook , Esq, Hanilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds
- 25.6kb
4. Genetics Topic: Disharmonization in Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology Sheldon Krimsky , Professor, Tufts University
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Historical Notes Relating to the Patenting of Biological Inventions
- 1.7kb
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