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1. General Term: Popper, Karl (1902-94)
Popper, Karl (1902-94) Austrian philosopher of science - particularly important for his
understanding of science as progressing by the falsification of hypotheses.
Related Topics:
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2. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: Evolution as a Science of the Unrepeatab...
be falsified in the sense of Karl Popper ,
by performing repeatable experiments whose outcomes are inconsistent with the
postulate [that evolution has occurred] - nor can most theories of geology and
of cosmology .
Evolutionary biology ,
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3. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: The EPR Paradox
this reduction - it is in Karl
Popper s famous phrase a world of clouds as well as clocks. Bottom-up
thinking has served science extremely well, but even in the most basic of
systems in physics it has
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4. Divine Action Topic: Peacocke, Arthur. Biological Evolution - A Positi...
on G. G. Simpson and Karl Popper , Peacocke claims that there are
propensities for such properties. Examples include complexity,
information-processing and -storage ability, and language. They characterize
the gradual evolution
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