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1. General Term: Polanyi, Michael (1891-1976)
Polanyi, Michael (1891-1976) Hungarian born physical chemist who came to the University of Manchester in England in 1933. In 1947 he moved from the faculty of science to the faculty of humanities where he developed his philosophy of
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2. Intelligent Design Topic: Situating Intelligent Design in the Contemporary D...
Grassé, Gerald Kerkut, Michael Polanyi , Marcel Schützenberger, and Michael Denton). Why then are so many of us in the intelligent design movement Christians? I don't think it is because intelligent design is intrinsically Christian or even
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3. Intelligent Design Topic: Cards on the Table
as director of Baylor's Michael Polanyi Center, adversaries as well as supporters of my work constantly pointed to my unsavory associates. I was treated like a political figure who is unwilling to renounce ties to organized crime. It was
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4. Biography: William Dembski
research university: The Michael Polanyi Center. Dr. Dembski has taught at Northwestern University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Dallas. He has done postdoctoral work in mathematics at MIT, in physics at the
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5. Divine Action Topic: Kuppers, Bernd-Olaf. “Understanding Complexity.”
Following the analysis of Michael Polanyi , Küppers argues that in a human construction, such as a complex machine, the design, or boundary conditions, governs the physical processes but cannot be deduced from them. In this way a machine,
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6. Maddox Bibliography Topic: B. Introductions to the Philosophy of Science
Routledge, 2000. Polanyi , Michael. Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy . Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1962. Ratzsch, Del. Nature, Design and Science: The Status of Design in Natural Science .
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