21. Divine Action Topic: Alston, W. Divine Action, Human Freedom, and the ...
Book Series Index
Next: Davies, Paul C. W. The Intelligibility of Nature."
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- 7.6kb
22. Divine Action Topic: Barbour, Ian G. Five Models of God and Evolution....
self-organizing process as Paul Davies
suggests, it would imply that God respects the worlds integrity and human
freedom. Theodicy is a more tractable problem if suffering and death are
inescapable features of an evolutionary process for
- 8.9kb
23. Evolution and Providence Topic: Robert Russell - Presentation
Hermeneutics , John Barrow , Paul Davies ,
Ontological , Fred Hoyle , Big Bang Cosmology , Bohr , Planck , Einstein
Next >
Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
- 3.9kb
24. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: Analysing the Anthropic Arguments
to make the move which Paul Davies makes
when he writes:
Is it easier to believe in a
cosmic designer than the multiplicity of universes necessary for the weak
anthropic principle to work? ... Perhaps future developments in science
- 6.0kb
25. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: The Remarkable Uniformity of the Universe
Small wonder that Paul Davies
It is hard to resist the
impression of something - some influence capable of transcending spacetime and
the confinement of relativistic causality - possessing an overview of the
- 4.5kb
26. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: Key Figures and Developments in the Scie...
The first
is the physicist Paul Davies , who has been drawn towards theism by the
directions he has seen his scientific field take, and who has written of this
journey in books such as God and the New
and The Mind of God.
- 7.2kb
27. Intelligent Design Topic: How Can an Unembodied Intelligence Interact with t...
Foundation in October 1999, Paul Davies expressed his doubts about intelligent design this way: "At some point God has to move the particles." The physical world consists of physical stuff, and for a designer to influence the arrangement of
- 13.8kb
28. Maddox Bibliography Topic: E. Representative Recent Engagements of Theology ...
CA: Jossey-Bass, 2007.
Davies , Paul. God and the New Physics . New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Dawkins , Richard. A Devils Chaplain . London:
Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 2003.
Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion .
- 10.1kb
29. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 10. Neuroscience and the Human Soul / Human Respo...
Clayton, Philip & Paul Davies . The Re-Emergence of
Emergence: The Emergentist Hypothesis from Science to Religion . New York:
Oxford University Press, 2006.
dAquili, Eugene & Andrew B. Newberg . The Mystical
- 5.4kb
30. Origins Topic: Robert Russell - Presentation
Hermeneutics , John Barrow , Paul Davies ,
Ontological , Fred Hoyle , Big Bang Cosmology , Bohr , Planck , Einstein
Next >
Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
- 4.2kb