11. Intelligent Design Topic: Can Specified Complexity Even Have a Mechanism?
book, The Fifth Miracle Paul Davies (p. 112) claims that life isn't mysterious because of its complexity per se but because of its "tightly specified complexity." Stuart Kauffman in his just published Investigations (October 2000) proposes
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12. Divine Action Topic: Evolutionary Theory
Davies, Paul.
Teleology Without Teleology: Purpose through
Emergent Complexity."
Drees, Willem B.
Evolutionary Naturalism and Religion."
Edwards, Denis.
- 5.1kb
13. Divine Action Topic: Happel, Stephen. Metaphors and Time Asymmetry: Co...
like John Barrow and Paul
Davies , who treat cosmological metaphors as narrative, with the
non-teleological approach of Stephen Hawking , who seems closer to Derrida and
Ricoeur. Happel sees these approaches
as parallel to the theological
- 5.4kb
14. Intro Topic: Cosmology
different view. Physicist Paul Davies , for example, has written that the
beauty and order of the laws of physics themselves suggests there must be
something behind those laws, something driving the mathematical beauty and order
in the universe.
- 6.1kb
15. Maddox Bibliography Topic: E. Chaos & Complexity Theory
University Press, 2003.
Davies , Paul. The Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries
in Natures Creative Ability to Order the Universe . New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1988 (reprint, Radnor, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2004).
- 2.4kb
16. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 2. Mathematical Order of the Universe and the Divine
York: Vintage, 2002.
Davies , Paul. The Mind of God: the Scientific Basis
for a Rational World . New York: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1993.
Livio, Mario. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi .
New York: Broadway Books, 2002.
- 1.8kb
17. Interview: Steven Weinberg (PBS)
response to scientists like Paul Davies , who say they do see a point to the universe and they
think that science itself supports that?
DR. WEINBERG: I think it's true that there is a mystery about nature which is not likely to be cleared up in
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18. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: Different Sciences - Different Relationships
led some physicists like Paul Davies to express themselves in quasi-religious
terms, as here:
I belong to the
group of scientists who do not subscribe to a conventional religion but
nevertheless deny that the universe is a purposeless
- 7.5kb
19. Resources: CTNS Recommended: Basic Level
the Cosmos . (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist, 1992). ISBN: 0809132214.
______ .
The God of Evolution: A Trinitarian Theology . (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist,
1999). ISBN:0809138549.
Ellis , George F.R. and
Peter H. Collins. Before
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20. Resources: God and the New Physics
God and the New Physics
Paul Davies - Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1990 - Buy
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