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1. General Term: Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) Prussian
philosopher. Kant is considered to be the paradigmatic
philosopher of the Modern era, removing the last traces of scholasticism from
philosophy in the eighteen century. He agreed with the
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2. Divine Action Topic: Kerr, Fergus. The Modern Philosophy of Self in Re...
Descartes, together with Immanuel Kant , bequeathed a picture of
the self- conscious and self-reliant, self-transparent and all-responsible
individual, which continues to permeate contemporary thought even where
Descartess substance
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3. Divine Action Topic: Murphy, Nancey. Supervenience and the Nonreducibi...
of Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant .
Still, the determinism of the laws of physics has raised problems for human
behavior. Materialists like Hobbes have simply accepted determinism, while
dualists such as Descartes have sought to avoid
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4. Genetics Topic: Genetics & Ethics: Topics Index
they mean what philosopher Immanuel Kant meant,
namely, that we treat each human being as an end, not merely as
a means to some further end. The United Church of Canada eloquently
voices the dominant view: In non-theological terms it
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5. Intro Topic: History
such as Immanuel Kant and Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that science and religion
were two separate domains that must be kept apart. But even in the eighteenth
century there was no idea of a warfare between the two spheres.
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6. Physics Topic: The Theology of Providence
designer. In response, Immanuel Kant constructed a new metaphysical
system in which religion lies not in our knowing (the activity
of pure reason) but in our sense of moral obligation (the activity
of practical reason). The effect was to
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