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1. General Term: Informed Consent
Informed Consent Autonomous authorization of a medical invention or involvement in research based on substantial understanding. Contributed by: AAAS/DoSER Search for Informed Consent
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2. Stem Cell Topic: Findings and Recommendations
excess embryos to others. Informed consent requires that the woman or couple, with substantial understanding and without controlling influences, authorize the use of their spare embryos for research purposes. Because assisted reproduction can be
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3. Genetics Topic: Democratizing Decision Making Relating to Biotechnology
of Genetic Information: Informed Consent DG began collecting DNA samples in 1996 Informed consent is used to obtain this information DG currently has this genetic information from approximately 10,000
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4. Stem Cell Topic: Sources of Stem Cells and Guidelines for Use
usually drawn-out process, informed consent should be secured in two stages. Like the model of organ procurement protocols, the consent process should also maintain a separation between personnel working with the woman or couple desiring to get
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5. Stem Cell Topic: Moral Issues Surrounding the Sources of Stem Cells
and, following that, their informed consent to its possible use in research can be secured. Workers in clinics or others who disaggregate embryos in order to prepare immortalized ES cell lines may be accused of wrongful conduct by those who
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6. Genetics Topic: Ronald Cole-Turner
may do with them, aside from informed consent . Or if on the other end of the spectrum we assign to them the full value of a human person, then we may do nothing with them that we cannot do to a person, which means effectively that we may
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7. Stem Cell Topic: Public Sector Oversight
benefits and requiring informed and voluntary consent. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the authority under the Public Health Service Act and the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to regulate the development and use of human stem cells
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8. Stem Cell Topic: Question: Will Stem Cell Research Encourage an Increase in ...
or couples provide fully informed consent , but not that they share in the financial profit. The removal of the profit motive at this stage of harvesting will be ethically helpful, because it avoids treating fertilized ova and fetuses as
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AAAS Report on Stem-Cells

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Becoming Human: Brain, Mind, Emergence
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Evangelical Atheism: a response to Richard Dawkins
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Evolution: What Should We Teach Our Children in Our Schools?
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Evolution and Creation Survey
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Faith and Reason: An Introduction
Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging, and Healthcare in the 21st Century

Francisco Ayala on Evolution

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Genetics and Ethics
Genetic Technologies - the Radical Revision of Human Existence and the Natural World

Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics
Getting Mind out of Meat
God and Creation: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology
God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion
God the Spirit - and Natural Science
Historical Examples of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)
History of Creationism
Intelligent Design Coming Clean

Issues for the Millennium: Cloning and Genetic Technologies
Jean Vanier of L'Arche
Nano-Technology and Nano-ethics
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Outlines of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)

Perspectives on Evolution

Physics and Theology
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Questions that Shape Our Future
Reductionism (GHC)
Reintroducing Teleology Into Science
Science and Suffering

Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action (CTNS/Vatican Series)

Space Exploration and Positive Stewardship

Stem-Cell Debate: Ethical Questions
Stem-Cell Ethics: A Theological Brief

Stem-Cell Questions
Theistic Evolution: A Christian Alternative to Atheism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design...
Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions
Unscientific America: How science illiteracy threatens our future
Will ET End Religion?

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