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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 36 matches (0.03 seconds)
1. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F. R. The Thinking Underlying the N...
Ellis , George F. R. The Thinking Underlying the New Scientific World-views."
Ellis analyzes arguments by a number of contemporary scientists that either
support atheism or offer a
- 8.5kb
2. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F. R. The Theology of the Anthropic...
Ellis , George F. R. The Theology of the Anthropic Principle ."
George Elliss paper
combines reflections on the Anthropic Principle with the theology of William
Temple. He calls this a Christian
- 7.5kb
3. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F. R. Intimations of Transcendence:...
Ellis , George F. R. Intimations of Transcendence : Relations of the Mind to God."
In Intimations of
Transcendence: Relations of the Mind to God, George F.R. Ellis explores a
strongly theistic interpretation
- 4.5kb
4. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F.R. Quantum Theory and the Macrosc...
Ellis , George F.R. Quantum Theory and the Macroscopic World."
George F.R. Ellis lays out a
thoroughgoing critique of reductionism and a complex ontology for reality as a
whole, drawing from his previous publications
- 7.3kb
5. Biography: George FR Ellis
George FR Ellis Dr. Ellis is a professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Capetown.
His professional research work concentrates on relativity theory and cosmology
and he has published over 200 scientific papers and
- 2.7kb
6. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F. R. Ordinary and Extraordinary Di...
Ellis , George F. R. Ordinary and Extraordinary Divine Action: The Nexus of Interaction.
In Ordinary and
Extraordinary Divine Action, George Ellis intends to elaborate the conclusions
reached by Tracy,
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7. Divine Action Topic: Ellis, George F. R. and William R. Stoeger. Intro...
Ellis , George F. R. and William R. Stoeger. Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology ."
George Ellis and Bill
Stoeger present the standard model of our universe, the Friedmann-
Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW)
- 2.9kb
8. Divine Action Topic: Quantum Theory
Mind to God."
Ellis, George F.
R. and William R. Stoeger. Introduction to General
Relativity and Cosmology."
Ellis, George
F.R. Quantum Theory and the Macroscopic
- 7.1kb
9. Divine Action Topic: Murphy, Nancey. Evidence of Design in the Fine-Tu...
paper is closely linked with George Ellis of the same volume
(George F.R. Ellis, The Theology of the Anthropic Principle , 363-400), but
with an important difference: she
treats the thesis advanced by Ellis as an argument for the
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10. Full Biography Index
George FR Ellis
Wesley Elsberry
Sandra Faber
Carl Feit
Anna Foerst
John Gabrieli
- 67.7kb
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