Following words were ignored (too short or common): time
Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6 matches (0.01 seconds)
1. General Term: Flowing Time
Flowing Time A view of spacetime that supposes the truly temporal character of time as a
fourth dimension and thus insists that flowing time is integral to the structure
of reality.
Related Topics:
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2. Physics Topic: Special Relativity, Time, and Eternity
the world in its flowing present. Yet God's eternity
eternally transcends its relations to creation and thus to flowing
time, and offers a depth of time which unifies and completes all
that remains broken and unfinished in our lives.
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3. Divine Action Topic: Isham, C.J. and J.C. Polkinghorne. The Debate ove...
the physical status of flowing
time in special relativity result in a heightened tendency to ontologize
spacetime. The additional arbitrariness
in the choice of time coordinates in general relativity makes flowing time
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4. Divine Action Topic: Peacocke, Arthur. Chance and Law in Irreversible ...
existence of the universe, flowing as it does towards
overall increasing entropy, that is required if there are to be eddies of
biological life.
Book Series Index
Next: Peacocke, Arthur. Gods Interaction with the
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5. Physics Topic: Special Relativity
consistent with a "flowing time " view of
the world as given in ordinary human experience.
Other results include the equivalence of mass m and energy
e, given by the famous expression, E = mc 2 . This does
not mean that matter
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6. Stem Cell Topic: Preface
and the
recommendations flowing from it were informed by the values of the members of
this advisory group, the discussions that took place during a public meeting
hosted by AAAS and ICS on August 25, 1999, as
well as reports and
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