1. General Term: Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Biology A branch of biology that deals with the descent by modification of plants and
animals from earlier generations.
Evolutionary biology rests on two
principles: variation and selection. Natural selection was
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2. Maddox Bibliography Topic: H. Evolutionary Molecular Biology
H. Evolutionary Molecular Biology
Carroll, Sean B. Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The
New Science of Evo-Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom . New York: W.
W. Norton, 2005.
Carroll, Sean B. The Making of the
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3. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 4. Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine A...
4. Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine Action / Providence
Berry, R. J. Gods Books of Works: The Nature and
Theology of Nature . Edinburgh: T&T Clark , 2003.
Denton, Michael. Natures Destiny: How
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4. Divine Action Topic: Evolutionary and Molecular Biology
Evolutionary and Molecular Biology
This collection of twenty-two research papers
is the result of the third of five international research conferences
co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory in Rome and the Center for Theology
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5. Divine Action Topic: Pope John Paul II. Message to the Vatican Observa...
Observatory Conference on Evolutionary and Molecular Biology."
In a cordial greeting to the
1996 conference out of which this volume emerged, John Paul II emphasized that
the search by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for a
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6. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Book Section: Evolutionary Biology and Theology
Evolutionary Biology and Theology
Important Evolutionists
Before Darwin
Influences on Darwin
Darwins Evolutionary
Darwin and the Term
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7. Theology and Evolutionary Biology
Theology and Evolutionary Biology
Important Evolutionists Before Darwin
Influences on Darwin
Darwins Evolutionary Scheme
Darwin and the Term Evolution
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8. Faith and Reason Topic: Nancey Murphy on the Relationship Between Christian ...
Christian Theology and Evolutionary Biology
Other Interviews:
N. Balslev
D. Barrow
Jocelyn Bell
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9. Resources: Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Di...
Evolutionary and Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action
Robert John Russell , William Stoeger, and Francisco Ayala - Vatican City State: Vatican Observatory Publications, and Berkeley:
The Center for Theology and
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10. Divine Action Topic: Murphy, Nancey. Supervenience and the Nonreducibi...
Nonreducibility of Ethics to Biology."
Nancey Murphy considers the role of supervenience in the relation of
evolutionary biology and ethics. She argues that God acts in the moral as well
as the biological sphere. She also challenges the
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