1. Genetics Topic: Production of Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Soma...
of Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Somatic Cells
José Cibelli . Vice President of Research, Advanced Cell Technology
Transgenic ES-like cells were injected into preimplantation embryos and
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2. General Term: Differentiated Cells
Differentiated Cells Cells that are
specialized for a particular function (i.e. heart muscle or blood cell) and do
not maintain the ability to generate other kinds of cells, or revert back to a
less specialized cell (like stem cells
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3. Stem Cell Topic: Findings and Recommendations
animal studies that stem cells can be made to
differentiate into cells of choice, and that these cells will act properly in
their transplanted environment. In
human beings, transplants of hematopoietic stem cells (the cells which
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4. General Term: Stem Cells
Stem Cells Stem cells are
essentially undifferentiated cells. There
are many kinds of stem cells, some more differentiated than others.
When they divide, their progeny mature and specialize into a specific
type of cell (i.e.
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5. Stem Cell Topic: Current Status of Human Stem Cell Research
Totipotent stem cells are cells that can
give rise to a fully functional organism as well as to every cell type of the
body. Pluripotent
stem cells are capable of giving rise to virtually any tissue type, but not to
a functioning
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6. Stem Cell Topic: Nervous System Diseases
implantation of
fetal cells into their brain with some benefit. Although not completely
effective, perhaps owing to lack of sufficient numbers of dopamine secreting
cells, similar experiments using appropriately differentiated stem cells
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7. Stem Cell Topic: Question: is There a Potential Baby in Every Body Cell?
as the source. Somatic cells might become the source for pluripotent
we would experience a shift in ethical ground tantamount to an earthquake.
Initially and naively, we could breathe a sigh of relief. If
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8. Biography: Jose Cibelli
Embryonic Stem Cells from Differentiated Somatic Cells
for Jose Cibelli
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9. Stem Cell Topic: Appendix I: Working Group Members
lead him to study ES cells as a potential model system. Together with colleagues at Washington
University, he demonstrated that ES cells could be efficiently differentiated into
neurons and glia. He is currently utilizing
this system to
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10. Stem Cell Topic: Diseases of Bone and Cartilage
of Bone and Cartilage
Stem cells , once appropriately
differentiated, could correct many diseases and degenerative conditions in
which bone or cartilage cells are deficient in numbers or defective in
function. This holds promise for treatment of
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