6. The Person in Light of Human Genetics
The emerging results of the Human Genome Project deepen and
complexify many of the key anthropological issues already discussed in light of
evolutionary biology and sociobiology. Moreover, although I have not included
ethical issues in this essay, they are unavoidably intertwined with theological
concerns in the fields of genetics and genetic engineering. Presumably, for
example, one can discuss such ideas as Gods ongoing creative action through
the evolutionary process (against atheistic views of evolution, for example),
the identity of the human species and the goodness of human genetic diversity
(against racism, sexism, and so on), and the goal of curing medical disease.
Genetics, however, brings these three into poignant interaction, since they all
crucially involve the human genome, its relation to the genomes of other
species, and the possibility of genetic alteration.
Science minisummary The purpose of
the current $3 billion Human Genome Project (HGP) is to map and sequence the
human genome. When complete, we should know the position of the roughly 35,000
genes in human DNA and the sequence of the base pairs, A, T, G, and C that
compose each gene. The purpose is both pure science and medical ethics: by
identifying the genetic basis for the 3000-4000 human genetic diseases,
eventual cures may be possible (and certainly otherwise impossible). But HGP
raises tremendous ethical, legal and social issues. From its inception a small
but significant portion of research funds (3-5%) were set aside for
interdisciplinary research on these issues.
There has been increasingly careful theological and ethical
reflection on both HGP per se and the much broader scientific and technological
context in which it is located. We now have instructive summaries of the
ecumenical conversations of the World council of churches and the National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A. by Roger Shinn, of Roman Catholic reflections by Thomas A. Shannon, and of Jewish reflections by Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman Karen Lebacqz has written on justice issues related to the Genome Project. In a wide-ranging survey, Ted Peters brings these conversations together under
eight major issues which entail, in turn, deeper theological assumptions about
God, evolution, and the human person. These issues include: genetic discrimination; an intensification of the
abortion controversy; patenting and cloning Gods creation; genetic determinism
and human freedom (and what Peters calls the gene myth); the gay gene;
somatic vs. germ-line intervention; and playing God.
Peters takes a bold considered position on each issue after
careful reflection and extensive involvement with participants on both sides.
For example, on the issue of genetic discrimination, Peters believes that the
ethicists appeal to the privacy defense will be hard to implement in
practice, and argues instead for information without discrimination. He
modulates a concern for patent issues with our need to encourage the
development of genetically based therapies. Peters believes that cloning raises
ethical, but not specifically theological, issues since nature is created, not
sacred. Moreover, cloning, even of humans, is not in principle unethical,
finding it somewhat analogous to the situation of identical twins. Gods love
is impartial to our genetic makeup, and what makes each of us unique transcends
our genes and involves all of lifes experiences and relationships. The real
problem is with unforeseen consequences. Genetic determinism actually takes
two, contradictory, forms: puppet determinism, in which genes determine all
our behavior, and Promethean determinism, in which we can guide our
evolutionary future armed with genetic knowledge. According to Peters, both
belong to the gene myth and are misleading, and, ominously, they link such
issues as genes, crime, class, and race. Regarding the gay gene, Peters
point is that even if there is something like it, science alone does not
determine its ethical interpretation. Somatic therapy may be morally desirable
for curing disease but not for enhancing the quality of life for healthy
individuals. Germ-line therapy is highly problemmatic because we do not know
the potential long-term consequences, and because it raises the specter of
eugenics. As for playing God, Peters argues theologically against viewing the
DNA, or any part of creation, as sacred, as Jeremy Rifkin and others suggest,
drawing on both creatio ex nihilo and creatio continua Instead,
given his insistence of Trinitarian prolepsis, Peters claims that God gives the
world a future and continually creates new things. With Philip Hefner, he views
the imago dei as the created co-creator. Thus the human is inherently
maker; we cannot not be creative. The ethical issue concerns the particular
future to which we direct our energies.
Contributed by: Dr. Robert Russell