2. Interreligious Dialogue with Science
Recently, issues raised by science have been introduced into
ongoing programs in inter-religious dialogue. One example is Buddhist-Christian
dialogue, where discussions of physics and cosmology have taken place,
sponsored by Ryokoku University. A second example is the Science and the Spiritual Quest program (SSQ) which
brings distinguished scientists who are practicing Jews, Christians and Muslims
into private workshops and public conferences. Here the conversations take place explicitly across religious traditions with
common concerns drawn the scientific expertise in physics, cosmology, biology,
computer science and artificial intelligence. Each of these scientists has
found at least one way in which science and spirituality are related in their
own life and work: they include: there are at least six distinct ways in which
science and spirituality are related: i) science as a spiritual journey; ii)
science as discovering the wonders and purposes of Gods creation; iii) science
as an ethical activity; iv) science as reading the mind of God; v) science as
reading the Book of Nature; and vi) science as repairing and healing the world.
Contributed by: Dr. Robert Russell