Why is IT Seen as Mysterious?
certain there are many factors, but here are a few suggestions:
Technology deals with apparently immaterial concepts of information and
software. Historically the immaterial has correlated with the spiritual or
divine. Its certainly not ordinary.
tempting to make the following analogy:
put another way:
- What is the different between
a functioning person and a non-functioning (dead) person? Consciousness.
- What is the difference
between a functioning computer and a non-functioning computer? Software
(and the electrical energy).
- Therefore:
a more humorous level, some have noted that in order for lay people to benefit
from technology, we need to obtain the services of a technologically-literate
priestly class, who are in possession of secret-knowledge that allows them to
charm computers so that they help rather than hinder - this matches our
experience of the religious. However, this theory will probably be short lived,
since eight-year olds tend work with IT very well.
mystical nature of cyberspace is also actively promoted by some of the
visionary thinkers and researchers in the field:
Ray Kurzweil, a pioneer in many
aspects of IT has written a popular book with the provocative title: The
Age of Spiritual Machines.
Kevin Kelly, founding editor of WIRED
magazine: I have experienced soul-data through silicon. He also draws comparisons between information and spirit.
Jennifer Cobb, in her book Cybergrace:
The Search for God in the Digital World states Computation represents a new substrate in which divine
creativity can act
In Cybergrace, Jennifer
Cobb interviews Robert Jahn of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
group; Any system that exchanges information with its environment is
conscious ... consciousness is essentially a form of information.
In The Pearly Gates of
Cyberspace Margaret Wertheim notes that many of the more visionary thinkers
in IT see this as a route to immortality.
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| Contributed by: Adrian