Different Sciences - Different Relationships
The relations between different sciences
and any one religion - even any one branch of any religion - will be different
at any given time, and will alter through history. That a given science can
dramatically alter its character is shown by the sense some physicists had in
the 1870s that the subject was coming to an end - the young Max Planck was
advised against doing physics on the grounds that everything to be discovered
would shortly have been discovered. (See the rediscovery of the observer to
discover how wrong this view turned out to be.) Fifty years later (partly
because Planck ignored the advice) the subject underwent such changes that
there was a golden age of conceptual advance.
Clearly the self-image of a scientific
community will have enormous effect on its attitude to theological claims which
seem to relate to its subject area. Take neurobiology. The sense evinced by
such scientists as Francis Crick that it will be possible at some stage to
describe all human activities in neurophysiological terms is testimony to a
science whose experimental techniques are rapidly expanding its data-base
(especially through PET and MRI scanning). Similarly in evolutionary biology
the effect of Darwinism, coupled first with Mendelian genetics and then with
molecular biology, has led to a science which is still expanding under the influence of a great
unifying set of ideas - much as physics did in the two hundred years after
These successes have led some
neurobiologists and neo-Darwinists to a sense that religion is in retreat, and
may indeed lose any claim to truth. So E.O.Wilson has written:
...we have come to
the crucial stage in the history of biology when religion itself is subject to
the explanations of the natural sciences...sociobiology can account for the
very origin of mythology by the principle of natural selection acting on the
genetically evolving material structure of the human brain.
See can reductionism rule out the truth of
Contemporary cosmological physics seems to be in a rather different place - very
conscious of limits both to its experimental and its theoretical purchase on
the ultimate questions which it tends to raise. The most ingenious
quantum-cosmological speculations (see Stephen
Hawking and the growth of quantum cosmology), going far beyond what could
ever be tested experimentally, cannot answer the metaphysical question as to
whether the universe had an underlying cause - why, in other words, there is
something and not nothing. But the fundamental structure of the universe has
led some physicists like Paul Davies to express themselves in quasi-religious
terms, as here:
I belong to the
group of scientists who do not subscribe to a conventional religion but
nevertheless deny that the universe is a purposeless accident. Through my
scientific work I have come to believe more and more strongly that the physical
universe is put together with an ingenuity so astonishing that I cannot accept
it merely as brute fact. There must, it seems to me, be a deeper level of
explanation. Whether one wishes to call that deeper level God is a matter of
taste and definition.
So John Brookes conclusion is of the first
There is no such
thing as the relationship between
science and religion. It is what different individuals and communities have
made of it in a plethora of different contexts. Not only has the problematic
interface between them shifted over time, but there is also a high degree of
artificiality in abstracting from the science and religion of earlier centuries
to see how they were related.
See also A special relationship?
Or click on the metaphor of the maps to see
further reflections on this theme.
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Source: God, Humanity and the Cosmos (T&T Clark, 1999)