Punctuated Equilibrium and Radical Contingency
Darwin supposed that variation would involve very small
changes that might be difficult to detect and would initially appear to have
little significance for natural selection. The idea that evolution proceeds by
such small steps and never makes jumps, is a key dogma in neo-Darwinism. It
is called gradualism. There have been
some challenges to this belief but the most significant have been by Eldredge
and Gould, stemming from a paper in 1972. They stated that there was strong
evidence in the fossil record for long periods of stasis, during which virtually no evolution occurred. These long
periods of several million years were punctuated
by relatively short periods of rapid evolution, over periods of 5,000 to 50,000
years, which is very brief in geological time. This view has more or less been
integrated into neo-Darwinism.
The work of Stephen Jay Gould in particular remains
important, through his resolute resistance to Dawkins genetic reductionism,
his insistence that evolution cannot be equated with progress, and his emphasis
on historical contingency. In his beautiful book Wonderful Life, on the fossil evidence of the Burgess Shale, a
sediment in the Canadian Rockies, Gould emphasises that it would have been
impossible, inspecting the range of organisms of 500 million years ago, to say
which would survive into later eras, yet all the vertebrates we know are
thought to be descended from a single, insignificant-seeming type of worm
called Pikaia. So running the tape of
life again would be very unlikely to give rise to creatures like ourselves.
The status of Goulds conclusions in Wonderful Life has recently been challenged by Simon Conway Morris
in his The Crucible of Creation (1998). Conway Morris, one of the principal investigators of the Burgess Shale, takes
issue in particular with one of Goulds main points - that the last 500 million
years have been characterised much more by the grim reaper of extinction than
by the continual branching of the tree of life. Different analyses of the data
can give a very different conclusion - that evolutionary innovation has
persisted, and shown continual evidence of convergence (the same
characteristics arising by different evolutionary paths). Conway Morris infers
from this that it was extremely likely that some form of complex life, such as
humanity, would have evolved.
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Source: God, Humanity and the Cosmos (T&T Clark, 1999)