DNA and Social Behavior?
popularity of Richard Dawkins book, The Selfish Gene,
along with the controversy created by sociobiologists, demonstrates
a growing interest in the prospect that scientists will be able
to explain more and more of human behavior in biological terms. Edward O. Wilson, a sociobiologist himself, defines sociobiology
as the systematic study of the biological basis of all social
behavior." He has staked out the biological claim rather
forcefully: The genes hold culture on a leash. The leash
is very long, but inevitably values will be constrained in accordance
with their effects on the human gene pool. Putting the issue into modern context, Dorothy Nelkin and Laurence
Tancredi write, In the long debate over the relative influences
of nature and nurture, the balance seems to have shifted to the
biological extreme.
is reason to worry about the consequences issuing from such deterministic
interpretations of genetic power. Already surfacing are conclusions
which may have deleterious social consequences; including the
possibility of an exacerbation of racial prejudice and discrimination.
The controversy over the widely read [Visual of Bell Curve?] book,
The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein,
is a case in point. On the basis of IQ tests, this book suggested that public policy
should shuttle greater financial resources toward certain racial
groups designated as the cognitive elitesJews, Orientals,
whitesand remove support from those designated as cognitively
challengedLatinos and African Americans. Sociologist Troy
Duster is worried about such racial repercussions. If we identify
genes with race, genes with social status, or genes with crime,
then we may inadvertently provide a biological support for prejudice
and discrimination. He sounds the alarm: Today, the United
States is heading down a road of parallel false precision in this
faith in the connection between genes and social outcomes. This
is being played out on a stage with converging preoccupations
and tangled webs that interlace crime, race, and genetic explanations.
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| Contributed by: Dr. Ted Peters