I have been asked to debate Alan Guth on the question ‘Did time
begin?’. We have both chosen to do so within the context of inflation, a theory
of the very early universe, developed by Alan and others in the 1980’s. Inflation is the best theory we currently have of the origin of the cosmic
expansion, of the apparent flatness of the Universe and of the primordial
density inhomogeneities which gave rise to galaxies, stars and planets. So it
must be taken seriously. It is also a good theoretical ‘playground’ in which to
attempt to discuss even deeper questions such as the beginning of time. But we
should make clear at the start that inflation is still a ‘scenario’, and isn’t
yet on the same footing as those parts of theoretical physics we now accept as
‘proven’: electrodynamics, quantum mechanics or general relativity. For one thing, inflation lacks a final
theoretical formulation. There are many different models and no clear criterion
to choose between them. And the
observational tests, whilst rapidly improving, are still rather limited.
Alan changed the title of his talk from Eternal Inflation to
semi-Eternal Inflation in the run-up to this meeting. He concedes that
inflation could probably not be infinite in the negative as well as positive
time directions: it had to begin at some time. That means he has already
conceded the debate: so I should begin by claiming victory!
But it would be a hollow victory if his main claim were true. For what
he is saying is that inflation, once begun, is eternal to the future. And second, he is implicitly arguing that we are most likely to exist at an
epoch infinitely far to the future of the beginning of inflation. Since the universe by now may be infinitely
large, the information regarding the beginning would be infinitely dispersed,
and any theory of the beginning would be untestable in any conceivable, even
‘Gedanken’, experiment. This is a convenient argument for inflationary
theorists such as Alan, who would like inflation to be a complete theory which
does not rest on a more fundamental theory of what came before inflation. But
the argument has always seemed deeply unsatisfactory to me in the sense that
whilst admitting a theory of initial conditions is needed, one is denying that
it would have any consequences. In
fact, I think the argument is wrong and I shall endeavour to explain why.
Before doing so, it would be appropriate to explain to the audience
that both Alan and I both regard these questions as ones which we hope to
settle in the manner traditional in theoretical physics - namely by careful
definitions, by mathematically precise formulations and calculations, by
demonstrating that counter-arguments are nonsensical or violate some physical
principle established through other means.
There are of course philosophical assumptions underlying this type of
work, which may be regarded as simplistic or reductionist by outsiders, but they
are to a very large extent shared by practitioners. We have no profound
objections to trying to construct a mathematical theory of how time and the
Universe began, and believe the litmus tests should be mathematical
consistency, and observational realism. These are extremely powerful criteria,
so powerful that none of our current theories fully satisfy them.
Contributed by: Dr. Neil Turok