Biology and Stars: Is There a Link?
It is interesting to explore how the apparent coincidence between the
time required for stars to burn hydrogen and the time needed for biological
evolution to produce advanced lifeforms bears on the question of the relative
uniqueness or profusion of life in the universe around.
Evidently, in our solar system life first evolved quite soon after the
formation of a hospitable terrestrial environment. Suppose the typical time
that it takes for life to evolve is denoted by some timescale tbio, then from
the evidence presented by the solar system, which is about 4.6 x 109 yrs
old it seems that
At first sight we might assume that the microscopic biochemical
processes and local environmental conditions that combine to determine the
magnitude of tbio are independent of the nuclear astrophysical
and gravitational processes that determine the typical stellar main sequence
lifetime tms. However, this assumption leads to the striking
conclusion that we should expect extraterrestrial forms of life to be
exceptionally rare. The argument, in its simplest form, is as
follows. If tbio
and t* are
independent then the time that life takes to arise is random with respect to
the stellar timescale t*. Thus it is most likely that either tbio
>> t* or
that tbio
<< t*. Now if tbio << t*
we must ask why it is that the first observed inhabited solar system (that is,
us) has tbio≈
t*. This would be extraordinarily unlikely. On
the other hand, if tbio >> t*
then the first observed inhabited solar system (us) is most likely to have tbio≈
since systems with tbio >> t*
have yet to evolve. Thus we are a rarity, one of the first living systems to arrive
on the scene. In this case, we are led to a conclusion, an extremely
pessimistic one for the SETI enterprise, that tbio >> t*.
In order to escape from this conclusion we have to undermine one of the
assumptions underlying the argument that leads to it. For example, if we
suppose that tbio is not independent of t* then
things look different. If tbio / t*
is a rising function of t* then it is actually
likely that we will find tbio≈
t*. Livio has given a simple model of how it could be that tbio and t*
are related by a relation of this general form. He takes a very simple model of
the evolution of a life-supporting planetary atmosphere like the Earth’s to
have two key phases which lead to its oxygen content:
Phase1: Oxygen is released by the photodissociation
of water vapour. On Earth this took 2.4 x 109 yr and led to an
atmospheric O2 build up to about 10-3 of its present
Phase 2: Oxygen and ozone levels grow to about
0.1 of their present levels. This is sufficient to shield the Earth’s surface from
lethal levels of ultra-violet radiation in the 2000-3000 Ǻ band (note that
nucleic acid and protein absorption of ultra-violet radiation peaks in the
2600-2700 Ǻ and 2700-2900 Ǻ bands, respectively). On Earth this phase
took about 1.6 x 109 yr.
Now the length of Phase 1 might be expected to be inversely
proportional to the intensity of radiation in the wavelength interval 1000-2000
Ǻ, where the key molecular levels for H2O absorption lie.
Studies of stellar evolution allow us to determine this time interval and
provide a rough numerical estimate of the resulting link between the biological
evolution time (assuming it to be determined closely by the photodissociation
time) and the main sequence stellar lifetime, with
where tsun is the age of the Sun.
This model indicates a possible route to establishing a link between
the biochemical timescales for the evolution of life and the astrophysical
timescales that determine the time required to create an environment supported
by a stable hydrogen burning star. There are obvious weak links in the
argument. It provides on a necessary condition for life to evolve, not a
sufficient one. We know that there are many other events that need to occur
before life can evolve in a planetary system. We could imagine being able to
derive an expression for the probability of planet formation around a star.
This would involve many other factors which would determine the amount of
material available for the formation of solid planets with atmospheres at
distances which permit the presence of liquid water and stable surface
conditions. Unfortunately, we know that there were many ‘accidents’ of the
planetary formation process in the solar system which have subsequently played
a major role in the existence of long-lived stable conditions on Earth. For example, the presence of resonances
between the precession rates of rotating planets and the gravitational
perturbations they feel from all other bodies in their solar system can easily
produce chaotic evolution of the tilt of a planet’s rotation axis with respect
to the orbital plane of the planets over times must shorter than the age of the
system. The planet’s surface temperature variations, insolation levels, and sea levels
are sensitive to this angle of tilt. It determines the climatic differences
between what we call ‘the seasons’. In the case of the Earth, the modest angle
of tilt (approximately 23 degrees) would have experienced this erratic
evolution had it not been for the presence of the Moon. The Moon is large enough for its
gravitational effects to dominate the resonances which occur between the
Earth’s precessional rotation and the frequency of external gravitational
perturbations from the other planets. As a result the Earth’s tilt wobbles only
by a fraction of a degree around 23º over hundreds of thousands of years.
Enough perhaps to cause some climatic change, but not catastrophic for the
evolution of life. Some argue that life will always find a way to overcome
local climatic diversities in order to become complex. However, the evidence on
Earth does not really support that optimistic view. There are many continents
on which higher apes did not evolve. There are many vacant terrestrial niches
that remain unfilled by complex organisms. Living things are overwhelmingly
This shows how the causal link between stellar lifetimes and biological
evolution times may be rather a minor factor in the chain of fortuitous
circumstances that must occur if habitable planets are to form and sustain
viable conditions for the evolution of life over long periods of time. The
problem remains to determine whether he other decisive astronomical factors in
planet formation are functionally linked to the surface conditions needed for
biochemical processes.
Contributed by: Dr. John Barrow